Residential Contractors
The City of Houston Housing & Community Development Department oversees programs that design, build, and rehabilitate homes. We work with builders to complete this work.
Many of the below opportunities are being offered to an existing pool of builders who have signed contracts with the City. If your organization does not have an existing contract with the Housing and Community Development Department, you can submit a Request for Qualifications during open windows to begin working with us.
Contractor Opportunities
Active programs that require builders include:
New Home Development Program Bid Documents
Approved Contractor's Pool Only:
All contractor opportunities are listed according to property and program and are updated regularly.
Home Repair Bid Documents
Approved Contractor's Pool Only:
All contractor opportunities are listed according to property and program and are updated regularly.
Vital Partners
Some of the funding available for projects comes from Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) funding. TIRZs are designated areas that fund capital improvements within their boundaries, using tax revenue. There are 27 TIRZs within the City of Houston. Eight of these TIRZs contribute a third of the money they raise to build affordable units. TIRZ funds make up most of the local funding that HCD receives.

The Houston Land Bank buys vacant or tax-delinquent lots to help develop them, often into affordable homes.

The New Home Development Program is a partnership with the Houston Land Bank and the Houston Community Land Trust . The Houston Community Land Trust is a nonprofit, community-based organization that buys and leases land to keep homes affordable for the long-term.