Currently the Home Repair Program has exhausted all of its funding and is not reviewing additional applicant files at this time. According to the HRP guidelines, when all funding is exhausted, those who are awaiting assistance must be notified of Home Repair Program closure. Unserved applicants will remain on the existing Home Repair Program list. Applicants will be notified once program funding becomes available.

The Intake Survey is the first step for both the Home Repair Program and Home Repair Program for 2015 Flooding Events, when open. Both programs have exhausted all funding and are closed. Unserved applicants will remain on the existing Home Repair Program list. Applicants will be notified once program funding becomes available. Questions about Home Repair Program? Call 832-394-6200.

Home Repair

Help is available to repair and rebuild homes of low- and moderate-income homeowners in the City of Houston. The Single-Family Home Repair Program evaluates damaged homes and helps make repairs needed to protect a homeowner’s life, health, and safety. The program gives consideration to seniors over the age of 62, families with children under the age of 18, and people with disabilities. In cases where homes are severely damaged, the program will reconstruct brand-new homes for homeowners.

Homeowner Checklist

If you answer YES to these questions, you are potentially eligible for home repairs:

  • Do you own (have the title) to the home?
  • Is the home your primary residence?
  • Are your property taxes current (or on an approved payment plan) and paid to the City of Houston?
  • Is your income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (Español) ?
  • Is the home outside the floodway? (Check )

These basic requirements must be met for the Home Repair Program and the Home Repair Program for 2015 Flooding Events. Additional requirements may differ between programs and will be noted in the application process.

Overview of Options

At this time, the City has three options for home repairs:

While these programs have similar offerings, eligibility requirements and waiting times may differ.

The City’s inspectors will determine how much needs to be repaired and estimate the costs for repairs. The total cost for repair will determine the length of the affordability period, which is how long a homeowner is required to stay in their home after repairs are made. If a homeowner sells or leases out their home before the end of the affordability period, they will be asked to repay a portion of the cost of the repairs made.

Level of Assistance Cost of Repairs Affordability Period
Emergency & Minor Repairs less than $50,000 None
Moderate & Substantial Rehabilitation $50,00.01 to $80,000.00 5 years
Substantial Gut Rehabilitation $80,000.01 to $200,000.00 10 years
Reconstruction 80,000.01 to $250,000.00 10 years

Minor rehabilitations are made to alleviate hazards to life, health, and safety. Minor repairs include repairs on roofing, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, siding/trim, windows, and doors.

Major rehabilitations preserve the existing home while also renovating a limited and specific area of the home. These repairs can be done on: structure, siding/trim, windows, doors, roof repairs or replacement, any substantial system such as HVAC, water, and wastewater, or anything else needed to make the house suitable for living.

Reconstructions are offered when the costs of major rehabilitations pass $80,000. The program will then demolish the existing structure and rebuild a home with new, economy-grade finishes.

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