Information for Nonprofits
The City of Houston Housing & Community Development Department works closely with nonprofit organizations to serve the needs of Houston’s residents, both through providing funding and by building advocacy networks.
None of these?
Call 832-394-6200
If you are looking for services from a nonprofit, please contact them directly. Our recommendations for help can be found on the Supportive Services page.
HCD connects with nonprofit organizations to increase collaboration between public and nonprofit sectors. There are many ways to get connected:
Get Involved
Sign up for our mailing list to get information on upcoming events we are hosting.
Host an event at your organization or invite our outreach team to a community space.
Provide Feedback
Provide your feedback in other ways. We are always looking for feedback and ways to build Houston together
Partner with Us
Partner with us on fair housing activities and outreach!
Service Providers
HCD's Public Services programs provide funding that can boost capacity for essential nonprofit service providers.
Programs we support include:
- Transitional housing or services for individuals experiencing homelessness
- Health clinics for low- and moderate-income residents
- Housing and health services for people living with HIV/AIDS
- Job training and educational opportunities for adults
- Supportive services for adults living with disabilities
- Childcare and early childhood education
- Substance abuse recovery aid
Types of Funding
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is provided to the City based on population. We receive CDBG funding annually.
- Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) funding is dedicated to serving people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as their families.
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding is provided annually to transition people from homelessness into homes and to prevent more people from becoming homeless in the city.
- Currently, our department also has access to CDBG-DR17 funding in response to Hurricane Harvey through the Harvey Public Services program .
Community Facilities
HCD’s Public Facilities programs fund new community amenities, either new constructions or capital improvements for public facilities.
Some examples include
- Elementary school parks and play spaces
- Libraries
- Health clinics
- Job opportunity centers
- Grocery stores
- Technology and innovation hubs
Types of Funding
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is provided to the City based on population. We receive CDBG funding annually.
- Local Bonds: Voters have passed ballot measures that allow the City to borrow to finance projects
- Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZs) are special zones meant to attract investment in specific areas. They set aside taxes from new improvements (tax increments) in order to fund capital improvements.
- Section 108 Loans are granted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through an open application. This financing program can be used for long-term investments in large projects and is an open application.