Public Facilities

To foster healthy and robust communities, HCD supports neighborhood amenities such as parks, libraries, health clinics, and community centers.

If you are interested in partnering with HCD to build or renovate a public facility, please see our funding opportunities. Information on funding sources and compliance for in-progress projects can be found below.

Examples of Recent Projects

Funding Sources

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is provided to the City based on population. We receive CDBG funding annually.
  • Local Bonds: Voters have passed ballot measures that allow the City to borrow to finance projects
  • Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZs) are special zones meant to attract investment in specific areas. They set aside taxes from new improvements (tax increments) in order to fund capital improvements.
  • Section 108 Loans are granted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through an open application. This financing program can be used for long-term investments in large projects and is an open application.

Developer Resources