Building a More Equitable City
The best place to find information about government funding and programs for affordable, safe homes in Houston.
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What We Do
The City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) works to create opportunities for all Houstonians to have access to safe homes that they can afford in communities where they can thrive. Our department works closely with service providers and developers across the city to improve quality of life for Houston residents.
Latest Plans and Notices
Stay Informed
Community feedback is invaluable, and there are many ways to ensure your voice is part of the conversation. Take our community needs survey, attend one of our public meetings, or invite the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) to join your planned community gathering. Every perspective matters, and your input will help us create a more inclusive and responsive plan.
The Draft 2025 Annual Action Plan
The Draft 2025 Annual Action Plan is the City’s application for more than $50 million in expected federal grants that will be available to improve Houston neighborhoods and assist low- and moderate-income families. The Draft 2025 Annual Action Plan will soon be available for a 30-day comment period.
The Draft 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan
TThe Draft 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan 5-year strategic plan that identifies long-term goals and objectives for improving housing, public facilities, infrastructure, and quality of life for low- and moderate-income Houstonians.
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HCDD, ATTNL Planning
2100 Travis Street, 9th Floor
Houston, TX 77002 - Voicemail at 832-394-5400
Community Meetings
Our in-person 2024 Fall Community Meeting was recorded at the Kashmere Gardens Multi-Service Center. Residents learned about our programs directly from staff and had small group discussions where they could provide input to help us develop our new five-year goals and strategies.
Upcoming Events
If you would like to request an event to be held in your area, please fill out this Outreach Form .