New Homes for Stella Link
New homes are coming to Stella Link!
The City of Houston is moving forward with the acquisition of a large tract of land at 10301 Stella Link, south of Main Street and east of Willowbend Avenue. This location is approximately 12.2 acres and will support the development and construction of up to 240 disaster-resilient, energy-efficient single-family homes.
This will be a mixed-income development, where over half of the homes will be made affordable to residents making at or less than 80% of Houston’s Area Median Income . To make the best use of the space, we are looking to create higher-density communities – from townhomes to duplexes to condos. But before development begins, it is crucial to get the input of community members, so we can make these homes fit into the vision that residents have for the community.
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Location and Key Facts
The program aims to create new homeownership opportunities for residents.
Focus on neighborhoods that are close to jobs, parks, and services.
Developments are mixed-income. Over half (at least 51%) of the new homes will be affordable to households earning 80% of the Area Median Income or less. For a family of three, for example, this would mean earning $57,050 or less as of 2021.
Share your input online

Our SocialPinpoint site will allow you to comment on what you like about your community and what you want to see in this development! Click here to get started!
Flyers & Resources
Name | Date | View |
ESA Phase I | 02/08/23 |
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Environmental Fact Sheet | 02/08/23 |
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Phase II Soil Sampling | 02/08/23 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Traffic Study | 09/28/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Community Recap Presentation | 09/20/22 |
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New Homes For Stella Link Community Recap | 09/20/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Flyer | 05/06/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Kickoff Meeting Presentation | 05/05/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Meeting #2 Presentation | 05/17/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Kickoff Meeting | 05/05/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Meeting #2 | 05/17/22 |
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New Homes for Stella Link Meeting #3 | 05/17/22 |
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do you mean when you say 51% of the homes will be made attainable? - Answer
A: Generally, rent or mortgage payments should not exceed 30% of household gross income. Down payment assistance will be made available to help bridge the gap between a mortgage and the market-rate price for 51% of the homes that are considered attainable. Additionally, homebuyers purchasing attainable-rate homes must have lived in Houston on the date of Hurricane Harvey and earn up to 80% Area Median Income as determined by the Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Q: Will there be any difference between market rate homes and attainable homes? - Answer
No, all homes will have the same construction quality, finishes and appliances.
Q: How do you define “single-family home”? - Answer
A: Single Family Homes refer to homeownership, not the style or structure of the home. We are encouraging innovative design single-family detached, townhomes, condo, etc. that also maximize the amount of units available.
Q: How will I know when homes are available to purchase? - Answer
A: The selected developer will market when the homes are available to purchase. HCD will also inform the community through the HCD Homebuyers Hub page, HCD social media and through our New Homes for Stella Link email lists .
Q: How will this development impact my current property taxes? - Answer
A: Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD) operates independently of City of Houston. For more information about the property tax assessment, visit HCAD’s Understanding the Property Tax Process . The City will partner with a developer to build high quality single-family homes in a mixed-income community. The developer will use market-based research and community feedback to design and price the homes to ensure the new development’s market-rate price aligns with existing neighboring communities. Additionally, all market-rate and attainable-rate homes will be identical in quality and construction which will further ensure property taxes in the surrounding area should not be appreciably impacted by the development.
Q: What is a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)? - Answer
A: A Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is a document used by the City to inform vendors of funding and contract opportunities. The NOFA will state the guidelines, design parameters, and scoring criteria for all interested developers to consider when designing their proposal.
Q: Will this development have a Homeowner Association (HOA)?- Answer
A: The City will use the community engagement process, including hybrid community meetings and the Social Pinpoint tool, to determine whether or not to include HOA requirements in the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) guidelines.
Q: How will the homebuyer process work?- Answer
A: The first step for every homebuyer will be to secure a 30-year fixed rate mortgage from a lender. For homebuyers purchasing a market-rate home, they will then continue the traditional homebuyer process.
Homebuyers purchasing an attainable-rate home will also need to attend a HUD certified eight (8) hour homebuyer education course, have lived in the City of Houston on the date of Hurricane Harvey, and earn up to 80% area median income as determined by HUD when purchasing the home. Down payment assistance of up to $135,000 will be available to close the “affordability gap” between what the homebuyer is able to attain through a mortgage and the market-rate price.
Q: What opportunities will the community have to provide feedback on the development?- Answer
A: The City will host three hybrid (in-person and virtual) community engagement meetings to collect public feedback on the development. Additionally, the City has launched a Social Pinpoint site that allows the public to provide feedback on a mobile friendly website through the end of May.
The City will analyze the feedback and include it into the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for developers to respond to when submitting their proposal for evaluation.
Q: What will the homes look like?- Answer
A: The City will release a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) which will set out the parameters for the development. During the community engagement process, community members can leave feedback on design elements such as facades styles and colors they would like the developers to consider when designing their proposal.
Please note proposals will be evaluated on multiple criteria and not all of the community’s feedback may be implemented in the awarded proposal.
Q: Can nearby residents receive preference for the market rate or attainable homes? - Answer
A: No, the City or developer cannot offer preference based on a potential homebuyer’s proximity to the development.
The Harvey Single Family Development Program is funded through Community Block Grant Development – Disaster Recovery funds intended to help Houstonians impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Awarding preference based on location within the City of Houston would put the development at risk of violating Fair Housing laws.
Q: What school will my child attend if I purchase a home in the new area? - Answer
A: Per the Texas Education Agency , school districts assign children to schools by attendance zones, other assignment methods, or transfer policies. Visit the Houston Independent School District’s (HISD) School Search tool to learn the school your child will attend.
Q: What is HCD doing to mitigate community concerns on increased traffic? - Answer
A: As part of the federally required due diligence process, HCD will commission a traffic study in the neighborhood after the preliminary site plan is completed. We encourage everyone to sign up for updates on the New Homes for Stella Link landing page we will update the community along the entire development process.
Additionally, HCD will work with other City of Houston departments to address community concerns.
Q: How will the City mitigate flooding in the area? - Answer
A: All land tracts acquired by the City for the Harvey Single Family Development Program are located outside of floodways or 100-year flood zones. Additionally, all developments will provide detention volume that meet’s the City’s NEW storm detention requirements.
Please visit Houston Public Works to read about Storm Water details .
Q: What is HCD doing to mitigate community concerns on potential increases in crime rates? - Answer
A: HCD will work with other City of Houston departments to address community concerns outside of HCD’s regulatory jurisdiction.
Q: Will there be anything else built besides homes like infrastructure or greenspace? - Answer
A: In addition to purchasing the land, The City is investing in infrastructure which includes sound and flood mitigation.. The City has hired an outside consultant to prepare a preliminary design rendering that will illustrate the size and dimension of the community Greenspace.