HCDD Community Meeting

Join Us for the ESG-RUSH Virtual Public Hearing!

The City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) will host the Emergency Solutions Grants called Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing (ESG-RUSH) Virtual Public Hearing. This meeting will provide an opportunity for community members and stakeholders to participate in our Public Comment segment to offer input on the recent change to our budget allocation.

Participate in the Virtual Meeting


Thursday, March 13, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Via Microsoft Teams
For Audio Only
US (Toll): +1-936-755-1524

and enter participant code: 308 697 888#

Solo para audio, marque
US (Toll): +1-936-755-1524

e ingrese el código de participante: 644 947 962#

For additional information or to request special accommodation for live virtual meetings (interpreter or other), contact Je’Lada Huff at (832) 394-8494 or Jelada.Huff@houstontx.gov.

For specific questions or concerns about fair housing or landlord/tenant relations, please contact Yolanda Guess-Jeffries at (832) 394-6200 ext. 1.