Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs Continues The "Feel Like Home Exhibition Series" at City Hall
Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs Continues The "Feel Like Home Exhibition Series" at City Hall
The City of Houston Awards $100,000 to Projects Amplifying Artistic Creativity and Innovation
Houston Solid Waste Management has launched HTX Collects, a mobile app that will allow residents to stay better connected with the City’s waste and recycling collection programs.
This portal provides detailed information about the City of Houston’s finances. You can visualize the allocation of these funds, or you can explore the raw data.
311 Houston Help and Info puts your City government at your fingertips –- one contact, via the channel of your choice, phone or email -- and you get answers or have your service problem solved.
HTV cablecasts 24/7 and provides live programming of City Council and council committee meetings. HTV is headquartered in a multi-faceted production facility on the first floor of City Hall at 901 Bagby.
The Open Data Portal is the platform to host City-wide open data. The Open Data Portal’s goal is to encourage civic engagement and collaboration, improve transparency, and facilitate access to public information.
Houston has a strong mayor form of government. The elected officials, who serve four-year terms, are: the mayor, the city controller and 16 City Council Members: 11 represent a district and 5 elected citywide.