> Employee Policies and Procedures > Administrative Policies
Employee Policies and Procedures
Administrative Policies
- 2-1 -- Placing Items on the City Council Agenda -- 12.04.2012
- 2-2 -- Motor Vehicle Use -- (updated 01.19.2021, attachments below are fillable .pdf's)
- Attachment 1 - Driver's Report of a Motor Vehicle
- Attachment 2 - Supervisor's Report of Motor Vehicle Incident
- Attachment 3 - Form 1 Notice of Determination of Cause or Disqualification
- Attachment 4 - Form 2 Request For Review by Departmental Review Panel
- Attachment 5 - Form 3 Notice of Departmental Review Panel Meeting
- Attachment 6 - Form 4 Notice of Departmental Review Panel Determination
- Attachment 7 – Form 5 Appeal to City Motor Vehicle Incident/Disqualification Committee
- Attachment 8 - Form 6 City Motor Vehicle Incident/Disqualification Committee Hearing Confirmation
- Attachment 9 - Form 7 City Motor Vehicle Incident/Disqualification Committee Ruling
- Attachment 10 - Form 8 Minutes of the City Motor Vehicle Incident/Disqualification Committee Hearing
- Attachment 11 - Home Storage Payroll Deduction Authorization/Cancellation Form
- Attachment 12 - Driver Disqualification Exemption Application
- 2-3 -- Severe Weather and Other Emergency Conditions -- (revised 07.06.2024)
- 2-4 -- Electronic Timekeeping Policy -- (revised 12.18.2023)
- 2-5 -- Authorization and Reimbursement for Local and Out-of-Town Travel and Travel Related Expenses -- (revised 08.05.2024)
- 2-6 -- Post-Bid Opening Contracting Procedure for Departmental Non-Federally Funded Construction Projects -- 05.01.1985
- 2-7 -- Five Year Capital Improvement Plan -- Rescinded 02.08.2011
- 2-7 -- Campaign Finance – Limitations Affecting City Contracting, etc. -- 11.21.2011
- 2-8 -- Pandemic Preparedness Plan for City of Houston Workforce -- 06.19.2009
- 2-9 -- Guidelines for Responding to Requests for Public Information -- 02.13.2018
- 2-10 -- City Nonprofit and Local Government Corporations -- (revised 07.12.2021)
- 2-11 -- Language Access -- 05.16.2014
- 2-12 -- Employee Suggestion Program -- Rescinded 02.02.2015
- 2-13 -- Notary Public Appointments and Reappointments -- 12.05.2014
- 2-14 -- Hazard Communication Program -- 10.28.2016
- 2-15 -- Procurement and Use of Products Made from Recyclable Materials -- 04.23.1991
- 2-16 -- Combined Municipal Campaign for Charitable Donations -- Revised 08.27.2021
- 2-18 -- International Agreements, Equipment Sales and Donations, and Disaster Relief -- 09.01.2000
- 2-19 -- Automatic External Defibrillators -- 04.03.2001
- 2-20 –- Spill Prevention & Response -- Rescinded 02.08.2011
- 2-21 -- Employee Safety and Health -- 1.20.2015
- 2-22 -- Conflict of Interest -- 12.22.2021
- 2-23 -- Citywide Service Request Response Standards -- 05.03.2022
- 3-1 -- Classified Personnel Ordinance Amendment Procedure -- 10.27.2011
- 3-2 -- Family and Medical Leave -- Revised 04.28.2022
- 3-3: Death Term Benefits
- 3-3 -- Final Paycheck Beneficiary Form (fillable .pdf) -- Updated 03.22.2023
- 3-4 -- Termination of Health Benefits Coverage -- Revised 11.18.2024
- 3-5 -- Filling of Key Executive Management Positions -- 09.21.2016
- AP 3-5 Attachment -- Key Executive Management Positions Classification List (.xlsx)
- 3-6 -- Downtown Employee Parking and Public Transportation -- 11.01.2012
- 3-7 -- Positive Corrective Action Program -- 05.10.2015 (some attachments updated, March 2021)
- 3-8 -- Performance Incentive Pay Plans for Municipal Employees -- 03.17.2011
- 3-9 -- Bilingual Pay Policy for Municipal Employees -- 01.04.2011
- 3-10 -- Outside Employment -- Revised 04.27.2023
- AP 3-10 -- Outside Employment Form
- 3-11 -- Absence -- 11.02.2020
- 3-12 -- Personnel Records -- 05.11.2011
- 3-13 -- Performance Pay Zone (PPZ) Program -- 06.19.2011
- 3-14 -- Workplace Lactation -- 08.29.2013
- 3-15 -- Police Trainee Equipment Allowance -- 12.12.2024
- 3-16 -- Prenatal, Parental and Infant Wellness Leaves -- (Amended 11.26.2022)
- 3-17 -- Disaster Leave Sharing Program -- 04.05.2021
- 3-18 -- Accrued Leave Donation Program -- (Revised 02.11.2021)
- 3-19 -- Unfilled, General Fund Civilian Positions -- Rescinded 09.16.2013
- 3-20 -- Houston Employee Assessment and Review (HEAR) Process -- (09.17.2012, updated 06.27.2022)
- 3-21 -- Violence in the Workplace -- 09.05.2014
- 3-22 -- Health Benefits Advisory Committee -- 12.18.2014
- 3-32 -- New Supervisor Onboarding Training Program -- 04.10.2023
- 3-33 -- Orientation for New Employees -- (revised 04.10.2023)
- 3-34 -- Reasonable Accommodation Policy for Employees and Job Candidates with Disabilities -- 06.05.2017
- 3-35 -- Seeking Elective Office -- 01.22.2020
- 3-36 -- Hybrid-Telework Program -- (revised 08.15.2023)
- 3-37 -- Emergency Paid Sick Leave -- 10.06.2020
- 3-38 -- Emergency Family and Medical Leave -- 10.06.2020
- 3-39 -- Access to City Buildings or Facilities During a Medical Epidemic or Pandemic -- revised 08.02.2021
- 3-40 -- Municipal Building Decarbonization and Benchmarking Policy -- 05.26.2022
- 3-41 -- Municipal Building Decarbonization and Benchmarking Procedure -- 05.26.2022
- 4-1 -- Grant Acquisition, Management and Compliance -- (updated 08.17.2020)
- 4-2 -- Internal Disaster Preparation & Recovery -- 05.16.2014
- 4-4 -- Accounts Receivable Policy -- 06.15.2011
- 4-5 -- Five Year Capital Improvement Plan -- 01.07.2011
- 4-7 -- Fixed Asset Management -- 01.04.2011
- 4-8 -- Cash Handling -- 11.10.2014
- 4-9 -- Fee Increases or Adjustments Pursuant to Section 1-13 of the Code of Ordinances -- 12.04.2012
- 4-10 -- Effective Financial and Performance Management -- 06.13.2016
- 4-11 -- Payment and Procurement Internal Controls -- (updated 03.13.2023)
- 5-1 -- Management of Vehicle Fuel Purchases -- 10.27.2011
- 5-2 -- Procurement Process -- 03.26.2010 (Rescinded)
- 5-3 -- Petty Cash -- 03.08.2013
- 5-4 -- Procurement Goals for Minority/Women Business Enterprises -- 04.01.1985
- 5-5 -- High Technology Procurement -- Rescinded 02.08.2011
- 5-5 -- Corporate/Government Fuel Cards -- Revised 12.14.2018
- 5-6 -- Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures -- Revised 10.09.2023
- 5-7 -- Procurement Standards -- Updated 08.08.2022
- 5-8 -- Informal Procurement -- Updated 11.06.2023
- 5-9 -- Competitive Sealed Bids -- Updated 08.08.2022
- 5-10 -- Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals -- (revised 07.10.2018)
- 5-11 -- Exceptions to Competitive Procurements -- Updated 12.12.2022
- 5-12 -- Protests -- 03.04.2016
- 5-13 -- Performance Evaluations -- Updated 08.08.2022
- 6-1 -- Guidelines for Requesting Work from the City Attorney's Office -- 11.23.2010
- 7-1 -- City Energy Efficiency Policy -- 12.31.2011
- 7-2 -- Display of Flags -- 10.15.2010
- 7-3 -- Leasing City of Houston Owned Real Estate -- 10.15.2010
- 7-4 -- Space Utilization and Furniture Standards -- Revised 08.17.2021
- 7-5 -- Environmental Policy for Disposal of Surplus Real Property -- 03.09.2007
- 7-6 -- Spill Prevention and Response -- 01.04.2011
- 7-7 -- Demolition of Privately Owned Buildings -- 11.20.2020
- 7-8 -- Apartment Standards Enforcement Committee -- 09.11.2013
- 7-10 -- Management of Surplus City Personal Property -- 07.03.2017
- 8-1 -- Acceptable Use of City Data, Information Systems -- 11.30.2023
- 8-2 -- Cybersecurity Program -- 10.17.2014
- 8-3 -- Managing IT Policy Exceptions Policy -- 03.09.2012
- 8-4 -- Password Policy -- 03.09.2012
- 8-5 -- Electronic Records Storage Certification -- 07.12.2012
- 8-6 -- Electronic Signatures -- 06.25.2018
- 8-7 -- Open Data -- 09.18.2014
- 8-8 -- Mobile Device Eligibility -- 08.12.15
- 8-10 -- Email Business Lifecycle Policy -- 10.12.2015
- 9-1 -- Environmental Coordinating Council -- 11.21.2011