2023 Master Plan
The 2023 Master Plan serves as a decision-making guide for expanding and improving the park system, providing equitable distribution of park space for all communities, and continuing to provide parks and greenspaces for citizens within a half-mile or 10-minute walk from their neighborhood. The Plan is periodically reviewed to evaluate and make recommendations based on existing conditions, data analysis, and public input. HPARD collected input and comments toward the plan as part of Capital Improvement Plan meetings, through community outreach events, and via an online Master Plan survey in the fall of 2023. HPARD also utilized the Action Plans developed by the Mayor’s Office of Complete Communities, which set park project priorities based on extensive community engagement within 10 under-resourced neighborhoods. The Plan includes park system achievements and successes since 2015 and refocuses priorities based on population changes, and evolving community diversity and needs per the 21 established HPARD Park Sectors.
The 2023 Master Plan under Motion 2023-0853 was approved by the Mayor and City Council on December 19, 2023.
- 2023 Master Plan
- 2023 Master Plan Presentation to Quality of Life (Powerpoint)
Plan Partners
The Houston Parks and Recreation Department would like to acknowledge the vision and leadership of the Mayor Sylvester Turner whose administration spans 2016-2023. The Mayor Turner and Houston City Council Members continue to support and advance parks and recreation initiatives, programs, and projects that improve the quality of life for our residents. Also, we are grateful to the citizens and community stakeholders who provided feedback, attended community events, and responded to our online survey. Information collected from the City of Houston Planning and General Services Departments, Houston Parks Board, and the Trust for Public Land helped bring the Plan Up-To-Date.
“Together, we strive to deliver an equitable and inclusive parks and recreation system that fosters community connections, health and well-being, and provides an outlet for positive development for all.”