Legal Department

About the City Attorney

Ronald Lewis
In December of 2020, Arturo G. Michel was asked by the Mayor to return to government as City Attorney for the City of Houston. Michel previously served as City Attorney from 2004 – 2010. He was  a partner at Husch Blackwell LLP prior to accepting the mayor’s request to head the City’s Legal Department.

Before and after his public service, Michel enjoyed a long and distinguished career in private practice, focusing on public governance, litigation, labor, elections, K-12 and higher education, contracts, and procurement. From 1986 to the present, except for his service as City Attorney, Michel has represented school districts and other educational entities such as charter schools, private schools, state regional educational service centers, community colleges, and other colleges and universities.

“Arturo has an extensive amount of experience in the public and private sectors. He is a leader in training for public governing bodies in ethics, open government, and contracting and procurement. He is an outstanding lawyer who will be an asset to my administration and will work in the best interest of all Houstonians,” said the Mayor.

Michel is a Northwestern University graduate and earned his Juris Doctorate at the University of Michigan. Michel's professional affiliations include membership in the Texas Municipal League, State Bar of Texas School Law Section, and the Texas Council of School Attorneys. He served as president of both the Texas Association of Community College Attorneys (TACCA) and the Hispanic Bar Association of Houston and is a past recipient of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund of Attorney of the Year award.

"I am honored to have the confidence of the Mayor," said Michel. "I am excited to become the City Attorney at this crucial period for our city and our country as a whole. This will be both a challenging and rewarding opportunity to serve the Houston community."

Michel's appointment was confirmed by City Council.