Legal Department
Liquor License Request Complaint Form
Information regarding filing a complaint about possible violations of the law on TABC-licensed premises, or to report possible alcohol-related violations taking place at any location may be found at https://www.tabc.state.tx.us/enforcement/complain_about_a_location.asp. A guide to commonly asked questions about protests and protest forms may be found at https://www.tabc.state.tx.us/faq/introduction.asp.
The form below may also be used to report any concerns about possible violations of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code to the Neighborhood Services Section of the City of Houston Legal Department. Neighborhood Services will liaison with officials from the Houston Police Department and/or TABC to ensure the information is forwarded to the appropriate authorities. The Neighborhood Services Section also protests the granting or renewal of existing permits or licenses if legal grounds exist to support the protest. Eyewitness testimony about specific incidents is very important to a successful protest. Please document the date and time of the incident or offense and where it happened on the premises. List the incidents in chronological order with as much detail as possible. If the complaint meets the standards for protest, an official letter of protest will be prepared. It is important to keep all documentation related to the complaint and, in the event there is an official protest, to attend the hearing.
The most common offenses reported are:
- Drug use or sales on the premises
- Prostitution
- Gambling
- Alcohol sales to minors
- Minors in possession of alcohol
- Fighting, assaults, gunfire or other violent acts
- Verbal or physical harassment of patrons or passerby
- Littering
- Public urination and indecent exposure
- Consistently loud music, noise, yelling and profanity
- Reckless and drunken driving by patrons
- Public intoxication
- Disorderly conduct
- Carrying weapons
- Drinking on the premises - unless their permit allows it
- Any other city, state or federal violations
Please submit a separate complaint form for each location about which you have a complaint.
SUBMITTING THIS COMPLAINT FORM DOES NOT CONSTITUTE SUBMITTING A PROTEST/COMPLAINT TO THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION. It is suggested that in addition to providing this information to the City of Houston that it also be provided to the Texas Alcoholic and Beverage Commission at the email address provided above.
Frequently Called Phone Numbers
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Houston Office (713.426.7900)
Houston Police Department, Vice Division (713.308.8600)
Harris County Clerk’s Office (713.755.6411)