Senior Programs
Senior Programs provide a wide variety of recreation and leisure activities for seniors, ages 55 years and older at select citywide community centers. Activities include creative and specialty crafts, fitness, walking clubs, craft exhibitions, holiday events, cultural and special events, field day activities and sports programs. Most programming is FREE of charge unless otherwise indicated. Seniors are responsible for providing their own their materials for most classes and certain field trips may require a minimum fee.
Senior Virtual Tours & Resources
To help enrich the lives of seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Houston Parks and Recreation Department provides information on a wide variety of safe recreation and leisure activities for seniors, ages 55 years and older. Information provided includes cooking recipes, links to virtual tours and activities, places to stream performing and visual arts, tips on exercise and physical activity, and COVID-19 resources for older adults. Online information is FREE to use unless otherwise indicated.
Virtual Tours &
Activities -
Performing &
Virual Arts -
Exercise &
Physical Activities -
Computer Classes -
Covid-19 Resources
For Older Adults