
Working to make Houston a cleaner, greener place to live...
... right in your neighborhood!

The City of Houston Recycling program will NO LONGER accept GLASS
in the Green Curbside Recycling Program. For more information see tabs below.

Houstonians may use the depositories up to four times per month.  Citizens are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes before closing time to allow adequate time to unload.  Each user must provide the following as proof of residency:

  • A Current Texas Driver's License or current ID and
  • A current utility bill or city property tax receipt. Addresses and names on all presented documents must match Texas Driver's License or ID.
    *Electronic records are NOT accepted.
  • RECYCLING ONLY - No proof of residency required.
  • NO PETS allowed on premises.
Residents who wish to discard TreeWaste/Junk Waste before their scheduled once-per-month pickup may use one of six neighborhood depository locations.
Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers Rules and Regulations
Acceptable Items
Additional Facilities

Disposal Links

Proper disposal of materials is key to a healthy, clean environment. Visit each link for additional information.

Anti-Freeze || Batteries || Fluorescent Lights || Lawn/Garden Chemicals || Medical Waste

Mercury || Paint || Pharmaceuticals || Used Oil

Additional Information...

Neighborhood depositories will not accept household garbage, more than ten (10) tires per month, per household, and large quantities of building materials.

Trash from commercial haulers or brought in a commercial vehicle (business or rented commercial) will not be accepted.

Additional Disposal ResourcesDISPOSAL