Solid Waste Management Department
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
HHW Collection and Recycling Services for City of Houston Residents
(Waste generated by a business will not be accepted)
Some jobs around the home may require the use of products containing hazardous components. Such products include certain paints, stains and varnishes, cleaners, polishes, automotive products, pesticides and herbicides.
The used or leftover contents of these consumer products are known as "household hazardous waste". More often than not, you would not want to put these wastes in the trash or down the sink. But what to do? Here are some tips to help you reduce the amount of household hazardous waste you generate and on the proper use, storage and disposal of these products.
Find more local recycling resources and facilities at Earth 911.com
How do I dispose of...
Before you buy ...
- Think about the job at hand.
- Read product labels carefully.
- Choose the product that is best for the job.
- Buy only what you can use!
Before you use ...
Read the label and follow the directions for proper use.
- Follow all safety precautions.
- Use the recommended amount - more is not always better!
After you use ...
- Read the label and follow directions for proper storage.
- Keep lid tightly closed.
- Keep product in original container with readable labels.
- Share any product you can't use with a friend or neighbor.
If you must dispose of a product ...
- Follow the label directions if provided.
- Contact the manufacturer if no directions are provided.
- For more information, contact the City of Houston Household Hazardous Waste Information Line at 713.551.7355.
City of Houston B.O.P.A. Special Collection Event - (Batteries, Oil, latex Paint and Antifreeze)
If you are trying to dispose of latex paint, used oil, used oil filters, anti-freeze, car battery or rechargeable batteries, you can bring those items to the the City of Houston's Westpark Consumer Recycling Center, or Environmental Service Center. Please limit your load to two 5-gallon and ten 1-gallon paint cans, 5 gallons of used oil and 5 gallons of anti-freeze.