Project Overview
Welcome to the City of Houston’s long-range solid waste management planning project website. Here you will find information on the background research for the report, overview of the planning process and opportunities to get involved.
The City of Houston is growing and, as a result, we must plan appropriately to ensure that city services meet the needs of our residents and businesses now and over the coming decades. The 20-year plan identifies specific needs and opportunities to improve and grow the solid waste programs and policies of Houston to ensure the infrastructure needed is present, goals are present for improving recycling and waste reduction, and that the items can be sustained with adequate resources.
The City of Houston generates approximately 4.2 million tons of municipal solid waste each year and this number is anticipated to increase to 5.4 million tons per year by 2040. The Plan evaluates a number of strategies to make sure this waste is properly managed. It will take a coordinated response from residents, businesses and local governments to achieve the goals of the Plan. The starting point of the project was to conduct extensive research and analysis of the current solid waste infrastructure, waste generation and diversion rates, current programs and services, and available funding and resources. To read these background reports visit the Documents page.
After reviewing the current state and future needs, the process began of recommending strategies to close the gap between the two. To read more about the goals for the future we invite you to read and review the Plan, and submit your thoughts and comments to us.