POLICE Department

Mounted Patrol - Unit

Mounted Patrol


Mounted Patrol Group Visitation by appointment only : Via HPDMounted@houstonpolice.org .

The Houston Police Department revived the combination of horse and police officer with the reestablishment of the Mounted Patrol in October 1984. Funds for the new mounted unit were originally provided through a grant from the Downtown Central Business District during the tenure of Mayor Kathy Whitmire and Chief of Police Lee P. Brown. The original mounted facility was located at 300 North Post Oak Lane, but in April of 2009 the mounted unit moved to its new facility located at 5005 Little York Road.

Today, Mounted Patrol is part of Strategic Operations, Homeland Security Command, Special Operations Division. The downtown business district and Hermann Park are the primary focus of Mounted Patrol. But, periodically, the mounted unit is given assignments to work with patrol divisions who are having a particular crime issue in a specific neighborhood. The unit has established itself as an undeniable asset to the Houston Police Department and the community we serve. The unit is an invaluable tool in crowd control and public relations as well as the enforcement of city ordinances and state law. All supervisors, police officers, and horses work together to provide the community effective, quality service. Due to the increased height on a horse the mounted officer is able to survey a large area quickly and address problem situations effectively. The officer and his mount are also a crime deterrent due to their increased visibility to the public. A mounted officer, on horseback, is able to transverse geographical areas in which it would be difficult for police officers in cars, on bicycles or on foot to proceed.

One mounted patrol officer and his/her horse has been compared to the effectiveness of 10 to 12 police officers on the ground in crowd control situations. Our unit has provided crowd control in many diverse situations. Some of the events include, the 1992 Republican Convention at the Astrodome; the 1994 and 1995 Houston Rocket NBA Championship Parades in downtown Houston; numerous Galveston Mardi Gras Parades; the 2004 MLB All-Star Baseball Game and the 2005 and 2017 World Series, both at Daikin Park; 2016 Final Four; Super Bowl XXXVIII and XVII and preceding parties in downtown Houston, along with after Super Bowl events. The mounted unit was an integral factor in the success of these huge events and will continue to be a much needed asset as more large special events are scheduled in the City of Houston.   

Although a mounted officer on horseback may be intimidating while in crowd control situations the general public sees him/her as very approachable. Citizens who wish to see and touch the police horse will stop the mounted officer many times during his/her tour of duty. Also, members of the mounted unit are requested almost on a daily basis to provide demonstrations for schools, civic clubs, and other community based programs.  At these programs the mounted officer will explain the duties of the mounted officer on horseback as well as demonstrate the effectiveness of the horse in a law enforcement capacity.  

Mounted patrol officers are available to perform demonstrations.  The demo may be scheduled at the facility or at a location of your choice. Away demos are somewhat limited due to distance, but as a rule, we will travel anywhere in the city limits of Houston, Harris County or an adjacent county. You may call the facility at 832-394-0399 to receive further information on how to schedule a demo.

We welcome everyone to visit our outstanding equine facility.  If you would like to make a donation to the
Houston Police Department Mounted Patrol please go to www.houstonpolicefoundation.org and designate your donation to the Mounted Patrol.


Houston Police Department Mounted Patrol Facility
5005 Little York Rd. Houston,Tx. 77016-2547
Main Telephone Number: 832-394-0399
Primary Fax Number: 832-394-0398