POLICE Department
Special Operations - Patrol
The main focus of responsibility has been the Central Business District, but during the past several years, the focus has begun to change. The Business District is still a primary focus, but urban living is on the rise. The skyscrapers are becoming homes to hundred’s of thousands of people. For this reason, the division’s duties and responsibilities have changed, but Patrol is still the backbone of the department and the Special Operations Division. The patrol officer responds to calls, makes arrests, and enforces the laws of the State of Texas, they just do it in the shadows of downtown. The patrol officer at S.O. finds him or herself extremely busy on weekends, as the downtown area boasts numerous clubs and restaurants. The downtown area also hosts many celebrations and parties sponsored by the city. The men and women of the Special Operations Patrol work each and every event. In addition to the above responsibilities, the division is also responsible for patrolling Memorial and Hermann parks. Memorial Park is 1500 acres and boasts one of the most popular jogging tracks in the city. There are thousands of runners that use the trail daily. The park also boasts one of the most popular cycling areas, the picnic loop. This is a safe place for road riding. It is also the location of Wednesday evening CRITS. There are numerous mountain bike trails as well. The bike units and the Mounted Patrol are responsible for patrolling the trails.
As a side note the Special Operations officer is subject to being sent to any destination within the City of Houston. This typically occurs when a large fire, explosion, or Catastrophe occurs and additional manpower is needed. Each area or “Sub-Station” has a given amount of manpower. If the event exceeds that number, the Special Operations Officer is mobilized and sent to assist.