Office of Business Opportunity
Department Overview and Quick Links
The Office of Business Opportunity (OBO) is committed to cultivating a competitive and diverse economic environment in the City of Houston by promoting the success of small businesses and developing Houston’s workforce, with special emphasis on historically underutilized businesses and disenfranchised individuals.
OBO performs several core functions to advance our mission. Our Certification team is responsible for administering the City’s certification program, which serves to increase access for Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprises to city contracting. In addition, this team administers the City’s local preference procurement program, Hire Houston First. Our Contract Compliance team enforces MWSBE goals on City contracts, in addition to ensuring employees are paid the required prevailing wages on construction contracts. We also have an External Affairs team dedicated to providing business and workforce development initiatives and programming, as well as increasing community outreach. Finally, we maintain a close partnership with the Houston Airport System to ensure the inclusion of historically underutilized businesses on City and Federally funded airport projects. We also work with HAS on workforce development initiatives.
Certifications and Designations
Business Development
Contract Compliance and Reporting