Office of Business Opportunity
Good Faith Efforts
Good Faith Efforts are steps taken to achieve a Contract Goal which, by their scope, intensity and usefulness, demonstrates the bidder’s responsiveness to fulfill the business opportunity objective when bidding on a contract as well as the contractor’s responsibility to put forth measures to meet or exceed Contract Goal throughout the duration of the contract. In other words, they need to show effort of a genuine attempt to meet the Contract Goal. Below are past presentations and their accompanying documents.
Good Faith Efforts Policy (.pdf, updated 2016)
- MWBE Compliance for all Contract Types (.pdf, published November 2018)
- Professional Services, Goods and Non-Professional Services GFE Session (.pdf, 02.07.2017)
- MWSBE Compliance on Construction Contracts (.pdf, September 2016)
- Post-Award Deviation Request Guidelines (.pdf)
- Chambers and Community Organization List (.pdf, updated for 2018)
- Media Publication List (.pdf, updated June 2016)
- Good Faith Efforts Informational Presentation for Contractors (Pre-Award & Post Award) 08.25.2105 (.pdf)
- Companion Guide to Good Faith Efforts Policy (Pre-Award) – 08.25.2015 (.pdf)
- Contractor Pre-Bid Requirements Presentation - 07.26.2013 (.pdf)
- Contractor Pre-Bid Requirements Info Session Attendee List - 07.26.2013 (.pdf)
Good Faith Efforts Policy Review Video - Click graphic below to open video in a new window (3GB .mpeg file, 1:16:00 run time)
"[OBO] wants to take this opportunity to provide an
informational session on how OBO assesses whether
a contract whose participation plan fall short of
the advertised MWBE goal has made the requisite
Good Faith Efforts under the City’s policy."