City of Houston Federal Update

Executive & Legislative Advocacy

Mitch Landrieu Visit Group PhotoLegislative Advocacy - Infrastructure Coordinator Mitch Landrieu

Mitch Landrieu Visit to Telephone Road

On March 20, 2023, Mitch Landrieu, President Biden’s Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator visited with a Houston delegation including Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia, Congressman Al Green, Council Member Robert Gallegos, Mayor’s Office of People with Disabilities Director Angel Ponce, City of Houston Chief Transportation Planner David Fields, and Houston Public Works Senior Analyst of Transportation & Drainage Operations Katherine Summerlin to discuss and tour the Telephone Road: Main Street Revitalization Project.

The project is being funded by the United States Department of Transportation’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) grant program. The City of Houston was awarded $20.96 million on August 10, 2022, to rehabilitate a 2.8-mile stretch on Telephone Road, enhance mobility access for the community by connecting area resources, and modernize the roadway within the existing right-of-way to include upgraded sidewalks, bus stops, protected bike lanes, street crossings, and safety treatments. During Mr. Landrieu’s visit, he spoke with Public Works officials to understand exactly how these dollars will transform the infrastructure for multimodal transportation and pedestrian-friendly, while also being ensured that this investment seeks to meet the Administration’s focus on equitable outcomes for underserved communities. 

Click each graphic below for a full-sized .jpg version

Telephone Road Press Conference Group Photo
Telephone Road Design Map
Mitch Landrieu Visit Phot 1
Mitch Landrieu Visit Phot 2