City of Houston Federal Update

Executive & Legislative Advocacy

Michael Regan VisitLegislative Advocacy - EPA Administrator Michael Regan

On November 18 and19, 2021, EPA Administrator Michael Regan visited Houston and stopped in Kashmere Gardens as part of his “Journey to Justice” ranging from Jackson, Mississippi to Houston, Texas.

While in Houston, Administrator Regan and Mayor Sylvester Turner had an opportunity to sit with residents from Pleasantville, Sunnyside, Fifth Ward, and Kashmere Gardens to discuss lead exposure, air pollution, and vehicle emissions that these historically Black and Brown communities have been plagued with for decades.

“I think it’s important that the EPA acknowledge that for decades there have been disproportionately impacted communities,” Regan said. “I don’t believe that it would be strategic nor beneficial for EPA to sit behind a desk in Washington D.C. and be paternalistic and prescribe solutions to communities that have dealt with these issues for decades and have been thinking about solutions for decades. So, the purpose of my being here is to do more listening than talking.” He also had an opportunity to visit the Houston Ship Channel to see and learn from activists and residents in that are that have endured environmental justice issues.

Since the Administrator’s visit, the City of Houston has been strategically seeking federal opportunities and local investments in helping address environmental injustices, specifically air quality, water, and the cancer cluster located in Kashmere Gardens/Fifth Ward neighborhoods linked to creosote contamination at the former Union Pacific Railroad site wood treatment facility.

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