Treasury Division
About the Treasury Director
Mr. Lewis is a native Houston, Texas resident who serve as the Director & Deputy Controller for the City of Houston – Treasury Department who is in charge in helping to oversee the city’s $14 billion debt portfolio and $6 billion investment portfolio, and entire depository banking system. Mr. Lewis is experienced in the financial and accounting sector with an emphasis in Debt and Investment in Treasury. During his tender with the city, Mr. Lewis serves as the youngest member of the Board of Directors for the Association of Public Treasures of the US & Canada and Houston Christian University – Dunham College of Business. He also serves on the Investment Task Force for the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education and Committee. Mr. Lewis has received a graduate certification in Financial Management from Cornell University and an MBA (Master’s in Business Administration) from Houston Christian University. He also completed extensive series of courses and exams centering on fixed income investment, financial accounting, and management principles to receive several licenses in ACPFIM (Advanced Certified Public Fund Investment Manager), CPFIM (Certified Public Funds Investment Manager), FMVA (Financial Model Valuation Analyst), and CPM (Certified Public Manager).
Mr. Lewis serves as the implementor and designer for the City of Houston ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) Investment Initiative. Due to his many academic and career achievements, Mr. Lewis was honored The Bond Buyer Magazine Rising Star.
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- Why Purchase Muni Bonds (.pdf)
- Municipal Advisory Rule Exemption Statement (.pdf)
- Fiscal Year Monthly Financial Reports
- Debt Transparency Report (.pdf)
- Investment Reports
- Trends Report
- Commercial Paper and Debt Summary (.pdf)
- Current Month OS Debt Report (.pdf)
- City of Houston - Tombstones (.pdf)
- Voter Authorized Obligations (.pdf)