Municipal Courts

Consequences of Neglecting a Ticket

Failure to pay your fine, show proof of compliance or apply for a Driving Safety Course or Deferred Disposition on or before your Court date or failure to appear by your scheduled Court date and time will result in:

  • A warrant issued for your arrest ($50 warrant fee plus additional fees);
  • A separate charge of Failure to Appear (FTA) fine ($244);
  • Denial of Driver’s License issuance or renewal and denial of vehicle registration.  To Clear your Driver’s License or registration, you must pay a $10 DPS (Department of Public Safety) notification fee for each case;
  • Referral to a collections vendor will result in an additional collection fee of 30% of total fine.

 If you miss your scheduled Court date, you may appear at the Public Service Counter, City of Houston Municipal Courts, 1400 Lubbock, Monday - Fri, 7 AM to 10 PM and Saturday, 7 AM to 5 PM to pay the fine or post bond to reschedule a new Court date.

Inability to pay the fine is not an excuse for failing to appear. Fine payment arrangements can be made at the time of appearance.