POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for Southwest Patrol Division
Estimated Population: 217,443
Approximate Square Miles: 52.2
Approximate street boundaries:
North: Beechnut
East: 610 West Loop South
South: Willowbend
West: Bob White to Marinette
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Meyerland Plaza, Robindell, Meyerland,
Braeburn Terrace, Maplewood South
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of the boundaries of this beat.
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Approximate street boundaries:
North: Willow Bend
East: South Post Oak
South: South Main
West: West of Hillcroft
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Westbury, Park West, Willow Creek
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.
Approximate street boundaries:
North: Bellaire
East: South Main
South: South Main
West: South Post Oak
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Meyer Park, Post Oak Manor, Westwood,
Willow Bend, Linkwood
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.
Approximate street boundaries:
North: N. Braeswood
East: Almeda to Hwy 288
South: Reed Road
West: South Main
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: The Astrodome, Six Flags Astroworld,
Lakes at 610, Plaza del Oro
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.
Approximate street boundaries:
North: Airport Blvd
East: Hwy 288
South: South Sam Houston Pkwy
West: Almeda
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Canterbury Village, Monarch Estates
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.
Approximate street boundaries:
North: W. Orem to W. Airport
East: Almeda
South: South Sam Houston Pkwy
West: South Post Oak
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Almeda Plaza, South Glen, Dumbarton Oaks,
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.
Approximate street boundaries:
North: South Main
East: Hiram Clarke
South: South Sam Houston Pkwy
West: South Sam Houston Pkwy
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Greenpark, Southwest Crossing, Windsor
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.
Approximate street boundaries:
North: Fondren to Settemont
East: South Sam Houston Pkwy
South: Hiram Clarke
West: McHard
Landmarks/Neighborhoods: Chasewood, Willowpark, Briarwick, Ridgemont,
Quail Run
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of the boundaries of this beat.
Click here for a detailed map of this beat.