POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for 15E40's Beat
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Beat Description and Boundary:
The boundary begins at the intersection of Kirby Drive and Brays Bayou and goes east along the middle of the bayou to South Braeswood. It turns west along the north lot lines of South Braeswood to the west lot line of Brown Parking lot of the Texas Medical Center. The beat boundary turns south along the west lot line of Brown Parking Lot to Old Spanish Trail. It turns east long the south lot lines of Old Spanish trail and goes to Almeda Road. It turns south along the west lot lines of Almeda Road to El Paseo. At Almeda and El Paseo, there is an open space on the east side of Almeda. The beat boundary follows a line east from El Paseo to the end of El Caminon where El Camino turns south and becomes El Rio. It turns east along the north lot lines of El Camino and goes to Holly Hall, and continues east on Holly Hall to the South Freeway (I-288.) At the South Freeway, the boundary goes south along the west side of the freeway to Airport Boulevard. The South Freeway is the responsibility of 14D20's beat. The west feeder road is the responsibility of 15E40's beat. The boundary turns west and goes in a straight line from the intersection of Airport Boulevard to the South Freeway west to the intersection of South Main and Hiram Clarke. It turns northeast on east lot lines of South Main and goes to Buffalo Speeday. It continues north along the east lot lines of Bufffalo Speedway to Linkwood. It goes east and northeast along the south and southeast lot lines of Linkwood and Lorrie to Bluegate Court, goes east, north, and west along the south, west, and north lot lines of Bluegate Court to Lorrie. It also takes in the cul de sac south east off of Lorrie. It follows Lorrie to the Brays Bayou. Linkwood, Bluegate Court, and Lorrie are the responsibility of 15E30's beat. The beat boundary follows the bayou to the intersection with Kirby Drive, which is where it begins.
Landmarks and Neighborhoods Within This Beat:
The Astrodome, Six Flags Astroworld, Lakes at 610, Plaza del Oro
ZIP Codes Within This Beat (see note below on ZIP codes and beats):