POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for 15E20's Beat
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Beat Description and Boundary:
The boundary begins at the intersection of Braewick and Willowbend and goes east along the north lot lines of Willowbend to West Bellfort. The boundary continues northeast along the northwest lot lines of West Bellfort to South Post Oak. It turns south along the east lot lines of South Post Oak and goes to West Airport Boulevard. The boundary turns west along the south lot lines of West Airport and goes to Kylewick. It turns north along the west lot lines of Kylewick and goes to the SPRR railroad tracks that run parallel to Main on the north side. The boundary follows the SPRR railroad tracks southwest to Hillcroft. It turns north along the west lot lines of Hillcroft to Densmore. It turns west along the south lot lines of Densmore and goes to Haviland. It follows the west lot lines of Haviland north to Fontenelle. It follows the north lot lines of Fontenelle east to Kirkside. It follows the west lot lines of Kirkside north to Ettrick. It follows the south lot linse of Ettrick west to Braewick. It goes north along the west lot lines of Braewick to Lattimer. It follows the south lot lines of Lattimer east to Ludington, and continues east on the south lot lines of Ludington to Hillcroft. It follows the west lot lines of Hillcroft north to Burlinghall, then north to Dunlap and south to Beaudry. It follows the north lot lines of Beaudry west to Braewick, then north to Warm Springs and east to Kirkside. It follows the west lot lines of Kirkside north to West Bellfort, south to Braewick and north to Willowbend, which is where it begins.
Landmarks and Neighborhoods Within This Beat:
Westbury, Park West, Willow Creek
ZIP Codes Within This Beat (see note below on ZIP codes and beats):