The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality encourages Texas cities to follow “pay as you throw” fee structures for garbage collection. This is because federal and state policies encourage ways to reduce the total volume of trash collected to further reduce the amount placed into landfills. A change was made by City Council in June 2002, with an amendment to the Houston Code of Ordinances, Chapter 39. The change states that ONLY those households exceeding a 90-gallon capacity per week will pay an extra capacity fee. This amendment was created to avoid charging households that are not excessive with trash waste from having to pay any extra fees. So, if your household throws away more than 90-gallons of garbage per week, you will need to pay extra for the extra garbage.

Add-A-Can Program

Do you often have more trash than one garbage container can hold? It’s easy to get another garbage can. Just call 3-1-1, the City’s Helpline, to have another container delivered to your address. There is a monthly charge (plus tax) for collection of each additional can, which covers an entire year of service.

You will receive a sticker for the new can. Simply place the sticker on the front of the new container where it can be easily seen by the garbage collectors.
(NOTE: Extra trash bags must not exceed 40lbs per bag.)

If you don’t need another can, but need more garbage space, you can get TAGs for your additional bags and/or boxes.

Please remember that Yard Trimmings (grass and plant clippings, twigs, and branches) should be bagged or bundled, and placed at the curb on your garbage collection day. Bags of yard trimmings do not require a tag because they are recyclable materials.

Tags for Bags Program

Do you sometimes have extra bags of garbage? We have a program called “Tags for Bags” stickers. Tags can be purchased, as needed at HEB and participating Kroger stores.

Tags for Bags are also available by calling 3-1-1, the City Helpline. There is a minimum purchase requirement of 5 tags. You may also download the form yourself and send payment in directly.

Tagged bags and boxes, placed at the curb, will be collected on your scheduled collection day.

The "Tags for Bags" Service Request Form is a .pdf document. Print the form, complete it, and mail it in with your payment, as instructed in the "Note" section of the form.

You can get Tags for Bags at participating Houston area Kroger locations.

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