Physical Disability Services

The City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) offers physically challenged-customers special collection assistance at no additional cost to them. SWMD offers this service to anyone who needs it; however, a Service Request (SR) with 311 must be on record and a “Citizens with Disabilities Application for Services” form must be submitted.

Specific details are as follows:

  • The individual requesting assistance or their representative must call the city’s helpline at 3-1-1 to place an SR.
  • After placing the SR, the “Citizens with Disabilities Application for Services” form must be submitted showing the physician’s certification that the individual is physically challenged and unable to place the container at the curb for collection. If there is more than one individual living in the home, one form will be submitted certifying that all individuals living in the home are physically challenged.
  • The form is available on-line here. (.pdf)

The completed form should be mailed to:

Solid Waste Management Department
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, Texas 77251-1562

311 personnel will forward the Service Request to the SWMD who will then assign the Service Request to one of its inspectors. The SWMD inspector will go to the home and confirm that the individual or individuals in the household are physically challenged. Special collection assistance will commence within seven to 10 days upon SWMD's receipt of the physician’s certification and completion of the home inspection.

What Goes Where?

Enter the item you wish to dispose of into the web tool to find the proper disposal methods and locations, including recycling options and drop-off centers.

What Goes Where
