City of Houston - HISD Art Contest

Second Annual Truck Art Contest

Student artists in Houston are asked to showcase their talents by entering the first annual City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department and HISD Truck Art Contest.
The City of Houston and HISD Truck Art Contest was created to promote the three R's, reuse, reduce and recycle. Our goal is to raise public awareness and support educational programming focused on recycling, reducing, and reusing. The winning entries will inspire Houston residents as they are displayed on the recycling trucks bringing Art and education around the city.
Grand Prize winners will have their artwork displayed on the side of City of Houston Recycling Trucks.
Contest Overview
- Open to all HISD registered students ( K to12 Grades) in City of Houston service area.
- Recycling artwork submission between February 21, 2024, and March 6, 2024.
- Only one entry per student
Art Submission
- Optional mail entries will be accepted.
- Each submission must include COMPLETED entry form.
- Recycling artwork submission between February 21, 2024, and March 6, 2024.
- Mail submission is accepted. MAIL without folding:
SWM Art Contest
Attn: Truck Art Contest
611 Walker #1230, Houston, TX 77002

Winning entries in each category will be displayed on SWM recycling trucks.
- Special Education Programs
- K-5th
- 6th-8th
- 9th-12th
- Only one entry per student
- 2D Landscape (No portrait orientation accepted.)
- Online acceptable formats - png, pdf, jpg.
- 1. Email artwork and waiver to
OR - 2. MAIL without folding:
SWM Art Contest
Attn: Truck Art Contest
611 Walker #1230, Houston, TX 77002