Virtual Public Meetings

Second phase ONLINE community meeting of the City of HoustonResource Recovery Implementation Committee (RRIC)

The RRIC was established to share information on commercial and institutional recycling. The City brings together leaders in material recycling, materials management, and organics to help develop City policies and programs that will reduce our region’s reliance on landfill disposal. The RRIC meetings are open to the public.

Thursday, December  7th

The public comment meetings will take place online, using the Microsoft TEAMs platform. The meeting agenda is posted here.

Or Call in (audio Only)

  • Call-In Option: +1 936-755-1521 United States, Huntsville
    Conference ID: 159 995 767#
  • SWMD Facebook page link: @houstonsolidwaste

Getting Started

Download the Microsoft TEAMs program application for free at Please note that your computer requires speakers and a microphone in order to use Microsoft Teams. A free smartphone version of this app is also available from the Apple Store or Google Play.

Basic Virtual Meeting Instructions

  • Join the meeting via the link or by phone.
  • After joining, stay muted to minimize background disruptions.
  • If you are recognized by the Moderator to speak, unmute yourself and consider turning on the app’s video during your speaking time.
  • State your name, spell your last name, and make your comments in the specified time allowed. Say what you are commenting on, and if you are in support, against, or undecided, and conclude when prompted.
  • To mute or unmute yourself on the phone, press *6. On the computer, use the microphone icon.
  • Please turn off your video after speaking. Remember, your image and background are made public.

Concluding the Virtual Meeting

Please hang up or disconnect to leave the meeting.