POLICE Department
Family Violence - Services

The Houston Police Department is committed to holding domestic violence offenders accountable, supporting survivors of these crimes in finding resources and preventing future violence.
The Family Violence Unit is a specialized investigative unit created to respond to the crime of domestic violence in the city limits of Houston, Texas. The Family Violence Unit conducts evidence-based investigations with the goal of protecting the survivors, enhancing offender's accountability, improving information sharing efforts and bringing awareness to the crime of domestic violence. The Family Violence Unit is closely associated with community agencies and victim advocates that deal directly with the problem of domestic violence. The Family Violence Unit's representatives meet regularly with the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council's; Intimate Partner Death Review; Harris County High Risk Team; Harris County Policy Working Group; Harris County Law Enforcement Weekly Check-In & Harris County Strangulation Task Force (2017).
The Family Violence Unit believes that arrest may be a temporary solution for survivors who want to end abusive relationships. We therefore encourage survivors to contact the department's Victim Services Division at (713)-308-0080 and speak with a victim advocate for assistance with legal referral resources, counseling resources, U Visa information and questions regarding Crime Victims' Compensation.
The Family Violence Unit encourage survivors to obtain further assistance from our non-profit community service agencies for helpful ways to navigate resources, especially if you choose to leave your relationship. Exploring resources such as counseling, shelter information, alternative legal assistance involving divorce, child custody issues, and protective orders, may enhance the survivor's safety. Survivors are encouraged to formulate a safety plan with victim-centered domestic violence victim advocates.
The Houston Police Department cares about you and your safety.
If you are in immediate danger dial 9-1-1. If you are in the city limits of Houston and are in need a non-emergency police response dial (713)-884-3131.
For additional information please contact the Family Violence Unit at (713)-308-1100.