Historic Preservation Manual

City of Houston Planning and Development Department > (Certificate of Appropriateness) > Relocation or Demolition

Relocation or Demolition


Landmarks, Protected Landmarks, Contributing Structures in a Historic District, or buildings, structures or objects that are part of an Archaeological Site may be relocated only in limited circumstances, such as an economic hardship or compelling circumstance. Non-contributing structures within a Historic District may be relocated to a site outside the District without a COA.

Determination of unreasonable economic hardship or other compelling circumstances shall be made by the HAHC through the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness. See Section 33-243 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Other considerations apply to the relocation of a building, structure or object within, into or out of an archaeological site. In that instance, the HAHC must find that the relocation does not destabilize any of the archaeological resources of the site. See Section 33-245 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances.

Under certain circumstances, the HAHC may issue a COA for the location of a Non-Contributing structure into a Historic District. In doing so, the HAHC would consider the structure proposed for relocation as though the structure were new construction. See Sections 33-242 and 33-244 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances.


Landmarks, Protected Landmarks, Contributing Structures in a Historic District, or buildings, structures or objects that are part of an Archaeological Site may not be demolished, unless an unreasonable economic hardship or an unusual and compelling circumstance can be demonstrated. Non-contributing structures within a Historic District may be demolished without a COA. See Section 33-247 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. The request for demolition is made through submitting a COA application to the Historic Preservation staff in the City of Houston Planning & Development Department. Documentation supporting either an unreasonable economic hardship or unusual and compelling circumstances must be included in the application.

All demolitions must comply with the City of Houston Uniform Building Code.

A note about Demolition by Neglect

The owner of a Landmark, Protected Landmark or contributing structure located within a Historic District may not allow the structure to fall into a serious state of disrepair so as to result in the deterioration of any exterior architectural feature. See Section 33-254 for details on neglect as well as the penalties for doing so.