Accessible Parking
ParkHouston is committed to installing truly accessible, ADA compliant on-street parking spaces (.pdf) to meet the needs of the disabled community. The number of spaces has grown from 45 in 2005 to over 150 at a cost of approximately $8,000 -12,000 per space. Installations include Downtown, Midtown and East Downtown adjacent to the PNG (Houston Dynamo) Stadium.
On January 1, 2022, Texas Senate Bill 792 will require any vehicle parking in a designated disabled parking space to have a valid disabled parking placard or a license plate with the International Symbol of Access (ISA). Citizens that have Disabled Veteran license plates that do not have the ISA will need to apply for a disabled parking placard or apply for a new DV plate with the ISA. Applications can be submitted at the county tax assessor-collector’s office.
Time Limits and Accessible Parking Placards and Plates
The curb space is a valuable city asset and is managed with meters to encourage turnover. Enforcement of time limits increases the availability of spaces for short-term parkers and compels long-term parkers to park vehicles in off-street parking lots.
Employees who need long-term parking are encouraged to request reasonable parking accommodations from their employers under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(ADA link https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/accommodation.html)
Overtime Parking – Violation Code APK-2
Overtime parking is when a vehicle parked at a meter exceeds the time limit posted at the meter. The fine for this violation is $30. Time limits vary from 2-10 hours and are posted at each meter.
In accordance with Texas Transportation Code 681.006, the City of Houston will enforce overtime parking for vehicles parked in a metered zone and displaying an accessible parking placard or plate.
- Vehicle with valid credentials may park free for the time limit posted at the meter zone (i.e. park free for two hours at a meter with a two-hour limit).
- If needed, vehicles with a valid disabled plate or placard will have unique permission to pay for a second cycle of maximum meter time.
- After expiration of the second cycle, the vehicle is subject to an overtime parking citation if parked in the same zone. Vehicle must move from the zone (blockface).
Illegally Parking in an Accessible Parking Space
A vehicle parked in an accessible parking space without a valid placard or plate is subject to a $500 fine (APK-21). After 30 days, the citation becomes delinquent and the fine amount increases to $600. The vehicle is also added to the boot list and an additional fee will be accessed for removal of the boot or towing and storage fees could apply.
- For fee schedules, go to www.houstoncityfees.org
An individual found illegally using an accessible parking placard is subject to a fine of $500 - $750 for the first offense. Subsequent misdemeanor convictions could lead to a fine of $550 - $1250 and up to 50 hours of community service.