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HR Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Commitment

The City of Houston is committed to protecting your health information. Self-insured medical group health plans (the Plans) are designed to protect the privacy of your health information. On this page, you can access the Privacy Notice, as well as the forms regarding your access to and control of the handling of your Protected Health Information (PHI).

PHI includes any information regarding your health care and treatment, that is personally identifiable to you, and that is transmitted or maintained by the Plans, regardless of the form (oral, written, electronic). This includes information and identifiable factors such as your name, age, and address.

Please retrieve the Privacy Notice, review it carefully, and keep a copy for your records. If you are unable to access the Privacy Notice for any reason, or prefer that a hard copy to be mailed to you, contact the Privacy Officer. (Contact information below)

Documents and Forms

Forms should be submitted to the Privacy Officer at or mailed to:

Privacy Officer
City of Houston Human Resources Department
611 Walker, 4th Floor
Houston, Texas 77002

Department Information

611 Walker, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77002