Over the next four years Human Resources is embarking on an exciting journey as we modernize HR to become a premier employer. To achieve this, we have anchored our strategy on four pillars as we envision moving to the next level.

HROne Contacts

HROne Change Agents

Departments Change Agent Phone Number
ARA, CSC, CNL, FIN, HR, HITS, OBO, LGL, MYR, MCD Rennice Smith 832-393-8514
CTR, DON, FMD, GSD, HEC, PD Melanie Walter 832-393-2774
HAS Roxanne Stephens 281-233-1884
HCD Nicole Brooks 832-394-6131
HHD, HPL Bridgette Eickhoff 832-393-5009
HFD Jacque Ray (832) 394-6624
HPD Katrina Arnsworth 713-308-1220
  Tanya Jackson 713-308-1220
  Gillian Rauseo 713-308-1257
PRD Ceasar De La Rosa 832-395-7114
HPW Karin Ford 832-393-6031
SWD Dana Wiltz-Cain 832-393-0447
HR Benefits Yvonne Norwood 832-393-6110
  Elizabeth Rodriguez 832-393-6114

Director’s Message

Jane Cheeks Image

Jane Cheeks

Human Resources Director

“The City will benefit from this digital transformation by using digital technologies to create new – or modify existing – business processes, culture, and customer experience to meet ever changing business and HR legal and compliance requirements.”

Department Information

611 Walker, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77002