Welcome to the Grow Your Own Workforce. City government offers a wide variety of rewarding careers that have opportunities to grow. This site is your gateway to explore the City departments, find out what they do, and see the jobs they offer and what’s required to do them.
About the Grow Your Own Workforce Initiative…

The Grow Your Own Workforce program seeks to plant seeds in the minds of students about the wide variety of career opportunities in municipal government, to “grow our own” workforce for the future. City departments participate by offering internships and co-op opportunities, guest speakers, tours, Adopt-a-School programs, and the Find Your Path Career Day Expo.
Our objective is for students to consider, prepare for, and even experience a job with the City, so that our educational institutions can become viable “pipelines” for future employees.
If you are interested in becoming a GYOW partner or want more information about the program, call 832.393.6148.
City Services – You Can’t Live (or Drive, or Flush, etc) Without Them
The City of Houston is a really interesting place to work. Over 21,000 employees provide the services necessary to take care of the nation’s fourth largest city and its residents. Most people know that the City operates the Police and Fire departments, but did you know that the City is also responsible for the airports, libraries, parks, courts, and health centers? There are some departments that help businesses, neighborhoods, and communities grow; and others that help protect the environment and prevent the spread of disease. There are lawyers, doctors, accountants, architects, and engineers.
We provide the water you use to drink, wash, and bathe; and take care of the water you flush away. The City takes care of your streets, bridges, and traffic lights; and hauls your garbage away. And that doesn’t cover everything.
There are over 700 different jobs in the City. Perhaps one of them is right for you.

Why Work for the City of Houston?
With 25 departments, and over 700 job classifications, the City has something for almost everyone. Job requirements cover the full range of education and experience, and can be in an office, outdoors, or both. Some jobs involve working with the public, while others involve working with computers or other staff. Some jobs even involve graphic design or working with animals. Most jobs require at least a high school diploma or GED.

If you are a student, now is the time to prepare for your future.
Begin exploring different careers. Find out how much education and training is needed to work in your area of interest. Volunteering is an excellent way to get hands-on knowledge and experience in a career field. If you would like to volunteer to work in a City department, visit www.houstontx.gov/volunteer.

We Value Diversity
The City of Houston workforce is as diverse as Houston itself. We are an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer that prohibits discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of the individual’s race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We provide equal opportunities in access to jobs, pay and promotions. We are proud of our diverse workplace because it allows a wider scope of ideas and experiences. Individuals and their varied backgrounds enhance our team’s efforts to provide superior service.

The City of Houston would like to honor and thank all veterans for serving and protecting our country. Now we wish for you to lend us your knowledge and skills. Finding a place within our organization may be the best way to showcase your leadership skills and talents you’ve attained throughout your military career. For current job openings, visit www.governmentjobs.com/careers/houston.

City Departments
This list of City departments contains links to each department’s website, and to a list of the jobs in each department. To search the City’s Master Classification List of Civilian Jobs, which contains the job description for each job in the City, visit www.houstontx.gov/hr/compensation/job-classifications.html. For a list of current job openings, go to www.governmentjobs.com/careers/houston.
Administration and Regulatory Affairs
+Manages purchasing, 3-1-1 Call Center, Payroll Services, Insurance Management, Regulatory Affairs, BARC (Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care); Provides administrative and accounting support including but not limited to: Financial Accounting, Budgeting, Asset Management, Policies and Procedures for Administration and Regulatory Affairs and various City departments. View jobs in ARA
Balances the fiscal needs of Houston; certifies availability of city funds, processes and monitors disbursement, conducts internal audit, operates and maintains City’s financial management system, conducts sale of city’s public improvement and revenue bonds, and produces annual comprehensive budget report. View jobs in Controller.
Oversees budget management, accounting and internal control, economic development, Capital Improvement Plan; ensures that the City's financial transactions and reporting are secure and trustworthy. View jobs in Finance.
Provides effective vehicle maintenance; provides quality services and reliable, safe, and environmentally-efficient vehicles. View jobs in Fleet Management.
Oversees designs, constructs and maintains over 300 City facilities; energy management; real estate/property management; security management; sustainable growth; provides city electricity and natural gas for City facilities. View jobs in General Services.
Provides clinical programs and services (childhood immunizations; Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program; dental services; HIV/AIDS Testing and Prevention); environmental health services (air quality, water quality, consumer health services); community support; multi-service centers. View jobs in Health and Human Services.
Housing and Community Development
+Manages federal funds to provide programs for low and moderate income persons, down payment assistance, single family home repair, commercial housing development, and public services. View jobs in Housing and Community Development.
Maintains Bush Intercontinental, Hobby, and Ellington Field Airports; oversight and management for all airport operations, maintenance, safety, customer service, and capital improvements; coordinates design and construction of airport facilities. View jobs in Houston Airport System.
Provides emergency 9-1-1 services; emergency communications management (dispatch, records management. IT); provides programs and activities to City residents and departments to help them prepare for, cope with and recover from the effects of natural and manmade disasters. View jobs in Houston Emergency Center.
Provides fire suppression, emergency medical services, hazardous materials handling, emergency evacuation, investigations, communications, fire prevention and safety education; responsible for preserving life and property to a population of more than 2 million. View jobs in Fire.
Houston Information Technology Systems
+Maintains city-wide IT coordination and oversight; network, data and voice services; technical support; capital technology projects and physical infrastructure projects, i.e. design, testing and construction phases. View jobs in Information Technology.
Maintains crime prevention, investigation, and enforcement activities; maintain statistics; manage jails, crime lab; public affairs; enhance the quality of life in the city of Houston by working cooperatively with the publicView jobs in Houston Police Department.
Houston Public Works and Engineering- Provides design and construction of infrastructure projects (Waters, wastewater, streets, bridges, etc); permitting and inspection services for buildings and signs; manage the City’s Water and Wastewater utilities; maintains city streets, bridges, storm sewers, drainage ditches; transportation infrastructure (traffic signals, street signs, etc). View jobs in Public Works and Engineering.
Manages recruitment and supports City’s workforce, benefits administration, safety, training, salary administration, and communications; provide support, services and resources to management, city officials and employees. View jobs in Human Resources.
Provides legal services in business litigation, contracts, criminal law, labor, etc.; Office of Inspector General; defends the City, its officers and employees in litigation involving claims against the City for breach of contract, various torts, copyright infringement, inverse condemnation, and construction law cases. View jobs in Legal.
Maintains over 40 branches, technology training and services, special programs, access center for person with disabilities, HPL Mobile Express View jobs in Library.
Provides the public with court services, court operations, and public service programs; in municipal court the majority of cases are punishable by a fine and involve the violation of a state law or the code of ordinances. View jobs in Municipal Courts.
Enforces city ordinances regarding the reduction of blight and substandard living conditions (open and vacant buildings, nuisances on private property, junk motor vehicles, weeded lots, and graffiti); includes Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office; Mayor’s Citizens’ Assistance, Office of Immigration & Refugee Affairs, Office of Education Initiatives, Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, and Mayor’s Volunteer Initiatives Program). View jobs in Neighborhoods.
Office of Business Opportunity
+Provides small/minority/women and disadvantaged business certification; outreach, business training and development; contract compliance; Houston Business Solutions Center provides licensing and permitting requirement for various types of businesses.View jobs in Office of Business Opportunity.
Maintains 38,992 acres of parkland, provides recreation facilities (swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts, recreation centers) and programming; organizes multiple opportunities to learn and get active at City parks; issues permits for the use of different venues View jobs in Parks and Recreation.
Provides implementation of a variety of ordinances, policies, contracts, programs and studies. The department continues to make investments for the future that will increase our capacity to work effectively; regulates land development in Houston and within its extraterritorial jurisdictionView jobs in Planning and Development.
Provides collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material; maintains environmental service centers; develops “Green Projects” around Houston. View jobs in Solid Waste Management.