• Texting while driving image

    Distracted driving month

    Concentration is the best antidote to distracted driving

    Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on our roads. Cell phone use — specifically texting, talking and social media use — has become the most common distraction. Other risky actions include adjusting the radio or GPS, applying makeup, eating and drinking. By driving distracted, you're robbing yourself of seconds that you may need to avoid a close call or deadly crash.

  • Safety Awareness article image

    CBRNE notes: Important steps to take for a better L-I-F-E

    Safety awareness

    CBRNE safety notes spotlight these important considerations: Look for Hazards; Is it Risky? Find a Hazard Control; and Execute Safety!

  • Saftey Spotlight image

    FMD's safety efforts second to none, earn ZIP award

    Safety spotlight

    Larry Hunter of the Fleet Management Department, second from right, is this month's Safety Spotlight winner. Presenting him with the award are, from left, HR Safety Advisor Andrea Gonzales; Safety Manager Cory Worden; Hunter's manager with FMD, Janet Fleck, presenting the ZIP challenge coin and certificate; and Safety Manager Bobby Hawkins.

Safety form the sidelines photo

Comp Corner

Numerous benefits are available to injured workers

In the previous installment of our new Comp Corner column, we explored the elections which certain Texas employers may use to cover their injured employees and reasons that a workers’ compensation claim may be denied. This month, we outline the various benefits that workers’ compensation coverage provides for injured employees. After all, (lost) Time is Money!

HR Logo

ANSI Z-10 News

ZIP is based on the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z-10 standard for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS). It is a premier standard for OHSMSs as shown in the article below.

How the Z10 Implementation Guide Can Improve Your OHSMS Audit

Director’s Message

Jane Cheeks Image "Though our collaborative efforts and no compromise approach to occupational safety, we can achieve the goal of no accidents and no injuries in our workplace."

- Jane Cheeks
Human Resources Director

Tina Paez Image "We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all individuals who may work for, visit, or enter our facilities."

- Tina Paez
Administration and Regulatory Affairs Director

C.J. Messiah, Jr. Image "I fully support the ZIP safety initiative. All employees have the right to work safely and return home safely."

- C.J. Messiah, Jr.
General Services Director

Rhea Brown Lawson Image "At the Houston Public Library (HPL), we strongly believe in maintaining a safe work environment for all employees. As an organization, we encourage staff to take an active role in following safe work practices and protocols."

- Rhea Brown Lawson
Houston Public Library Director

Marsha Murray Image "OBO's policy is to manage operations in a manner that offers maximum protection to those we serve, employ and with whom we partner."

- Marsha Murray
Office of Business Opportunity Director

J. Elaine Marshall Image "It is our position that production and accident prevention shall co-exist to foster an atmosphere of efficiency, productivity and safety."

- J. Elaine Marshall
Municipal Courts Director

Margaret Wallace Brown Image "PD is committed to promoting a culture of workplace safety, and to educating our employees about safety precautions and procedures, so as a department we will support and champion the ideals and goals of the Zero is Possible (ZIP) Safety Initiative."

- Margaret Wallace Brown
Planning and Development Director

Carol Haddock Image "HPW is committed to creating a safe and inclusive workplace where employees are empowered to identify and report any safety concerns."

- Carol Haddock
Houston Public Works Director

Arturo Michael Image "I fully support the ZIP initiative and expect every employee to be an active participant in improving our safety culture."

- Arturo Michael
City of Houston Attorney

Pat J. Daniel Image "Through our collaborative efforts, we shall work in unison to reduce and subsequently eliminate hazards with our workplace. Thus, achieving our goal of no accidents and no injuries – ZERO IS POSSIBLE!"

- Pat J. Daniel
City Secretary

Stephen L. Williams Image "As the Houston Health Department Director, I expect that all HHD employees maintain situational awareness and communicate any safety concerns. With safety as a core value, our Houston Health Department will continue to provide world-class, high-reliability public health services for years to come."

- Stephen L. Williams
Houston Health Department Director

Takasha L. Francis Image "Department of Neighborhoods will establish and maintain avenues to report, address and resolve safety concerns, disseminate safety information, and solicit employee feedback to assist in our mission of eliminating safety risks."

- Takasha L. Francis
Department of Neighborhoods Director

Tantri Emo Image "The Finance Department will take the time to recognize and commend employees who proactively report safety hazards and those who serve on safety committees. As Director, I fully support the ZIP safety initiative."

- Tantri Emo
Finance Department Director/Chief Business Officer

Zip Department Updates

Department Information

611 Walker, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77002