Homeowner Assistance Program
32% of all home-owning households in Houston were impacted by Hurricane Harvey. 60% of impacted households were located outside the flood plain, meaning many did not have flood insurance – or any expectation that they would be flooded. The Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program run by the City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department helps to offset the costs homeowners paid to make repairs to their homes.
Applications for assistance were closed on December 31, 2020. The City of Houston will continue processing all submitted applications.
Homeowners who still need help to repair or rebuild after Hurricane Harvey may be interested in the State of Texas’s repair program .
Reimbursement Solution
The Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program’s Reimbursement Solution provides reimbursement to assist homeowners who have already made their repairs to repair damages caused by Hurricane Harvey. The program is available to Houstonians of all income levels.
Homeowners who have completed repairs and/or who have remaining repairs under $5,000, as determined by a program inspection, may qualify for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred. Reimbursement may be combined with rehabilitation (not reconstruction) from the Texas General Land Office’s (GLO) Homeowner Assistance Program if remaining repairs exceed $5,000, as determined by a program inspection.
Please note that applications for reimbursements must have been submitted prior to December 31, 2020. At this time, only limited funding is available.

Do I Qualify?
A property must meet the following requirements:
- It is located within the City of Houston.
- It is located outside of the floodway.
- The applicant lived in it as their primary residence during Hurricane Harvey. (August 25, 2017)
- It was damaged by Hurricane Harvey.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- They must be the owner of the property.
- They must be current (or on an accepted payment plan) for property taxes.
- Applicant and all household members over the age of 18 must be current on payments for child support.
- They must agree to remain in the home as their principle residence for the duration of a compliance period, which varies depending on the amount of assistance granted.
Additional eligibility requirements may apply.
Homeowner Guidance Documents
The documents in this table should be used as references and tip sheets to help walk applicants through the process. Any questions should be referred to our recovery call center at 832-393-0550.
Applicant Forms
Copies of application forms can be viewed here as reference. As the Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program invites applications based on responses to the Harvey Recovery Survey, these forms are only for reference. The City will provide all applicants will fillable forms.
Questions about the program?
- Contact the GLO @: houston.glo@recovery.texas.gov
- Contact the Call Center for inquiries or to check on your application status: 832-393-0550
- Contact our Complaint/Appeal team for concerns, complaints, or appeals 832-394-6388