Houston Fire Department
Business Information Helpful Links
Please click on topic for link with more information...
Some of the links listed below are .pdf files and require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing
Apartment Manager Checklist Guide for Fire Inspection Survey
Atrium Building Retrofit Ordiance
Candles and similar items or devices, the use of
Christmas Trees in public buildings
Extension Cords and Multiplug adapters, use of
Fire Alarms (Permits and False)
Fire Alarms - Letter from Fire Marshal regarding false fire alarm reports
Fire Alarm System Maintenance During Construction in Buildings (.pdf)
Fire Alarm System - Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Equipment
Fire Code Amendments , 2006 Houston (Effective 12/31/2010)
Fire Depository Box Refer to Stnd 6 "Fire Depository Boxes"
Fire Drills - Conducting Fire Drills in High Rise Buildings (.pdf)
Fire Drills - How To Conduct A Fire Drill Letter (.pdf) (Revised 5/06)
High-Rise Fire Warden Certification
Mid-Rise Fire Warden Certification
Haz-Mat plan submittal guideline
High-Piled Storage Plan Submittal Guideline
High-rise Apartment/Loft/Condominium Safety Plan
High-Rise Survey Checklist (HFD form 27) .xls format or .pdf format
In the event of a fire letter/information
Mid-Rise Atrium evacuation plan - call 832.394.6900
Occupancy Capacity Signs (.pdf)
Open-flame Sterno- type product use
Permits (Fire Alarms, Fire Prevention, Hazardous Materials)
Public Address System Instruction Sign