Houston Fire Department
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
911 RECORDS - For 911 Records, please contact the City's 911 at (713) 884-3944.
AIRCRAFT RESCUE FIREFIGHTERS AND FIRE STATIONS - Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting is part of the Houston Fire Department Special Operations. These firefighters work at fire stations located within the property of the airports. These stations have very restricted access and are not open to the general public.
AMBULANCES - EMS records for ambulance transports within the Houston city limits may be purchased at 500 Jefferson, 19th Floor, 77002. Contact 832-394-6860. The fee per medical record is $13.10 - must have The HIPAA Authorization Form (click here) and picture identification. For EMS Billing see: www.houstontx.gov/finance/acct_receivable.html
INSURANCE SUBMITTAL FORM (.PDF) REVISED- use this form to mail or fax in your insurance information so we can bill your insurance company for your ambulance transport. After your insurance pays, we will mail you a notice stating the amount of your co-pay, deductible or other amounts your plan requires you to pay. If your insurance does not pay, you will be responsible for the entire bill.
AMBULANCE, MEDICAL BIKE TEAM - Contact the HFD Special Events Division at 832-394-6700.
ANIMAL BITE - If a medical emergency, call 9-1-1. All dog bites must be reported to BARC Animal Shelter and Adoptions. Call BARC at 713.229.7300 or dial 311 to report the bite. It is required by law. This is strictly for safety reasons and to protect others from a potential dog bite. Additional information on animal bites may be found on the BARC website at https://www.houstontx.gov/barc/avoiding_dog_bites.html
BEES - BEEHIVE - The City of Houston does not handle bees unless it is an emergency situation and the are attacking someone. If an emergency in progress, call 9-1-1 and request the Fire Department. If the situation is not an emergency and the caller just wants the bees removed, he or she will need to call a licensed beekeeper.
BICYCLE REGISTRATION - This Ordinance is no longer effective and no longer required in the City of Houston. HFD no longer offers this.
BIRTHDAY PARTY AT FIRE STATION - Unfortunately, we do not have the proper facilities to have birthday parties at any HFD Fire Stations.
BURNING TRASH OR BONFIRE - To report someone burning trash or a bonfire, contact the Houston Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division that enforces the Fire Code during the day at 832-394-6900 and during non-business hours, the non-emergency dispatch number 713-884-3131.
CAT UP TREE - The Fire Department does not assist in rescuing animals. Citizens may contact Animal Control. The telephone number is 713-229-7300.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY- For information on Certificates of Occupancy, please refer to the City of Houston Public Works Planning Code Enforcement Website at https://www.houstonpermittingcenter.org/code-enforcement/inspections.html
CHILD PLAYING WITH FIRE OR MATCHES - If the child(ren) are not yours, you will need to call the Houston Firestoppers Program at 832-395-8542. If the child(ren) are yours, the Fire Department has a confidential program for youth that have played with matches or have set fires. This is a free program where the family receives fire education, and for those interested in further assistance counseling services are available.
CLOSEST FIRE STATION TO MY HOME - Please see the HFD Fire Station Webpage >>>.
COMMERCIAL FIRE PERMIT AND INSPECTION - The Commercial Business Fire Permits and Fire Marshal Approval's (inspections) office is located at 1002 Washington Ave, Houston, TX 77002. This office takes applications for Commercial Business' that are required to comply with Federal Fire Codes and provides Fire Marshal Inspections/Approval's. The telephone number is 832-394-8811
COMPLAINT ABOUT HFD - Please see the following link for details https://www.houstontx.gov/fire/complaint.html >>>
DETECTORS FOR THE DEAF OR HARD OF HEARING - Individuals in Houston and the surrounding area who are deaf or hard of hearing may register for the free visual fire alarm program. Citizens may apply by calling MOPD at 713-284-1990 or emailing mopdmail@houstontx.gov.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN TRAINING - There are 280 hours of EMT School, which includes classroom and clinical rotations. Cadets or Fire Trainees are taught Texas Department of Health curriculum and then must pass a certification test administered by that agency to become certified EMT's. The course content is taught by Houston Community College instructors for the Houston Fire Department.
ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS - For environmental records of a property inside the City of Houston (i.e. Hazmat incidents, etc.) please submit an open records request via the City's online portal at: https://houstontx.govqa.us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(5ooenaifskkwuyivxscwpw24))/SupportHome.aspx
EVACUATION TRAINING PROGRAM - Disaster training in conjunction with fire drills, how to evacuate in case of a fire emergency. Contact HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6633.
FIRE CODE - Contact the Fire Prevention Office at 832-394-6900 . You may also visit the HFD Standards Website (click here).
FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC EDUCATION - HFD Public Education Section, 500 Jefferson, 17th Floor, Houston, TX 77002 For more information, Call 832-394-6633 or go the Fire Department web page at https://houstontx.gov/fire/community_interaction for a list of Fire Department Educational Programs and more.
FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNDRAISER - Contact the HFD Union local 341 at 713-223-9166.
FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS - Houston Fire Department Headquarters is located in Downtown Houston at 500 Jefferson, Houston, Texas 77007. For more information call the HFD receptionist at 832-394-6700.
FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORABILIA - T-SHIRTS, PATCHES - The Houston Fire Museum offers items for sale through it's online store at www.houstonfiremuseum.org .
FIRE DEPARTMENT MOBILE SAFETY TRAILER - The Mobile Safety Trailer is driven to elementary schools to teach 3rd graders what to expect and how to crawl to safety from a burning house or building. We are currently not offering this program.
FIRE DEPARTMENT PANDA PROGRAM - Parent and neighbors defense alliance to teach children to be careful around strangers. This HPD program in which the fire stations served as safe havens has been discontinued. Citizens may still go to fire stations if they need a safe haven.
FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECORDS - Contact HFD Human Resources located at 500 Jefferson,"C" Concourse Level, Houston. Phone number is 832-394-6868.
FIRE DEPARTMENT'S FIRE ALARM PERMIT OFFICE - The Houston Fire Department's Permit Office is located at 1002 Washington Ave., Houston , Texas 77007 and may be reached during normal business hours at 832-394-8811.
FIRE DRILL- Organizing and conducting an orderly evacuation, and evaluating results with management of the facility. Contact HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6633.
FIRE EXTINGUISHER - TYPE FOR HOME - Class ABC (See: Fire Extinguisher Safety Brochure >>> )
FIRE EXTINGUISHER DISPOSEL - Please see the Solid Waste Department's website at https://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/hhw.html>>>
FIRE EXTINGUISHER RECHARGING - REFILLED OR SERVICE - HFD cannot assist or advise. Please look in the Yellow Pages under "Fire Equipment".
FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRAINING - Fire Extinguisher Training (Video and Speaker) request is not guaranteed, there are fees for "live fire training," available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. must be requested at least 4 weeks in advance. Please fill out this form (Click Here) >>>
FIRE HYDRANTS - To report a problem with a fire hydrant, please call 3-1-1 or visit the 3-1-1 website >>> . For more information on where fire hydrants should be located within the City Limits, refer to City of Houston Ordinance No. 99-262, § 2, 3-24-99; sections 42-233. Fire protection, and 42-235. Performance standards >>>
FIRE MARSHAL- To speak to a Fire Marshal, Contact: 832-394-6900 during normal business hours.
FIRE MUSEUM- The Houston Fire Museum is currently closed for historic preservation. Please, visit their website at www.houstonfiremuseum.org.
FIRE MUSTER (Also known as FIRE FEST) - The Annual Fire Muster "Fire Fest" is suspended at this time.
FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS FOR NEW BUSINESSES - All new business may apply for a safety inspection by a fire prevention inspector who will determine what fire department permits are required for their type of business. Call 713-394-8811 . Also, refer to HFD Forms and Permits >>>
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION - Fire department inspectors do inspections for businesses. Inspections are scheduled through the Fire Prevention Office at 832-394-6900.
FIRE PREVENTON RECORDS (FIRE CODE VIOLATONS, INSPECTION REPORTS, etc.) - To obtain a copy of an inspection record (violations, etc) from the HFD Fire Marshal Office, please submit an open records request via the City's online portal at: https://houstontx.govqa.us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(5ooenaifskkwuyivxscwpw24))/SupportHome.aspx
FIRE PREVENTION WEEK- Fire Prevention Week in October of each year, presentations, entertainment, and literature to promote fire and life safety. Contact the Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6633.
FIRE RECORDS - Records for fires within the city limits of Houston may be obtained at 500 Jefferson, 19th Floor. The cost per fire record is $12.01 (exact cash, check or money order, please) - must have date, time and location of incident. Contact 832-394-6860. Records for fires of suspicious origin may be obtained from the HFD Arson Division; please call 832.395.8542.
FIRE RECORDS - OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS - Call the Harris County Fire Marshal's Office at 281-436-8030.
FIRE RESCUE TEAM CONTACT - If this is an emergency call 9-1-1. The Rescue Team is a part of the Houston Fire Department.
FIRE SAFETY COLORING BOOKS - The Fire Department has a limited amount of coloring books. We may not have books available year-round. Please call the HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6633 for more information.
FIRE SAFETY PRESENTATIONS - Safety presentations (fire) are done through the fire prevention office 832-394-6936 Also, see the HFD Presentation Request Webpage >>>
FIRE SAFETY PROGRAMS - The Fire Safety Programs that are done during regular business hours are free of charge. Programs that are outside regular hours will require a permit that allows personnel to be assigned on an overtime basis. Programs are available in Spanish. Specify that you would like the program in Spanish when speaking with the Public Education Office. See the HFD Community Interaction Website for Programs >>>
FIRE STATION TOUR SCHEDULING AND DURATION - To schedule a Fire Station tour fill out this form (click here) School groups with special needs are also welcomed (i.e. wheel chair ramps, etc.) Please note however that the stations meeting their requirements may not necessarily be the closest Fire Station to their school. The station tour last approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Times may vary depending on the number and ages of the children attending. At least 4 weeks notice is needed. Submission of request does not guarantee we can provide the tour.
FIRE TRUCK AT A PARADE OR EVENT- LENGTH OF TIME ALLOTTED - All HFD fire trucks can only stay at pre-scheduled events for the maximum of 2 hours per day. Also, make note that regardless of the event all Fire Trucks remain in-service during their visit. In other words, if an emergency occurs in their territory they must leave your event to respond to that emergency. If the event is a parade, and the Fire Truck receives a call before the start of the parade, the fire truck is considered in-service and must respond to the emergency. To schedule fill out this form (click here) at least 4 weeks in advance. Submission of request does not guarantee we can participate in the parade. Major dates, such as the 4th of July and National Night Out are booked well in advance.
FIRE TRUCK VISIT SCHEDULING TO SCHOOL, EVENT OR PARADE - It must be scheduled with at least 4 weeks notice. To schedule a Fire Station fill out this form (click here). Submission of request does not guarantee we can participate. Major dates, such as the 4th of July and National Night Out are booked well in advance.
FIRE WARDEN CLASS- Go to HFD's Open Warden Class Website >>>
FIRE ZONE - To report a fire zone violation or to see about getting a fire zone at a place of business, contact the Houston Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division that enforces the Fire Code. Day number 832-394-6900, Night number 713-884-3143
FIREFIGHTER - CADETS SALARY - See www.hfdcareers.org
FIREFIGHTER TRAINING FACILITY - The Houston Fire Department Training Facility, named the Val Jahnke Training Facility, is located at 8030 Braniff, just south of Hobby airport.
FIREFIGHTER TRAINING FACILITY TOURS - Tours of the Training Facility are not being offered at this time.
FIREFIGHTER'S CALENDAR - This is published by the Houston Fire Fighters Burned Children's Fund, a separate non-profit organization. The calendar benefits the Houston Fire Fighters Burned Children's Fund. For more information visit the HFFBCF website at www.houstonburnedchildrensfund.com.
FIREWORK VIOLATIONS - Citizens should report all complaints regarding the illegal use of fireworks directly to the HPD Tel-communicator (non-emergency line) at 713-884-3131. If the citizen believes that there may be a fire and/or medical emergency related to the use of fireworks, he/she should dial 9-1-1 and request the HFD.
FOSTER HOME INSPECTIONS -When someone needs a home inspection for a foster home, please contact the Fire Marshal Office. The Fire Marshal phone number is 832-394-6900.
FREE SMOKE DETECTORS - Senior citizens, people on a fixed income with young children, or people with a disability that live in their own home within Houston's City limits are qualified for a free smoke detector. Contact the HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6633 with your name, phone number and address so that we can schedule a time with you to do the installation. You may also request a smoke detector online at https://houstontx.gov/fire/community_interaction/getalarmed.html
GAS SMELL- Get out of the house and then call 9-1-1 for the Fire Department from outside of the house or from a neighbor's house. The use of a phone could cause the gas to ignite if you called from inside the house.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE - The Hazardous Materials Response Team is a part of the Houston Fire Department. The HMRT may be contacted at 713-928-6711 . To have the Hazardous Materials Response Team speak to civic clubs and schools, schedule presentations by contacting 713-928-6711.
INSPECTION RECORDS - To obtain a copy of an inspection record (violations, etc) from the HFD Fire Marshal Office, please submit an open records via the City's online portal at: https://houstontx.govqa.us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(5ooenaifskkwuyivxscwpw24))/SupportHome.aspx
JAWS OF LIFE - The Jaws of Life are strategically located through out the City on ladder trucks, pumper trucks, rescue trucks and airport rescue fire fighting apparatuses.
KEYS LOCKED IN CAR - The Fire Department only unlocks vehicles that have a person locked or trapped inside, such as a child or infant, call 9-1-1.
LANDLORD HAS NOT INSTALLED SMOKE DETECTOR - You would need to call the Houston Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division, 832-394-6900.
MEMORIAL -There is a special Memorial Garden with the line of duty death members' names on a beautiful statue called “The Rescue” and the names of all HFD firefighters who have passed away on a “Wall of Honor”. It is located on the grounds of the Houston Firefighters'' Relief and Retirement Fund at 4225 Interwood N. Parkway. Every year we hold a special Memorial Ceremony in the beautiful garden. The ceremony takes place October.
SCHOOL DOORS CHAINED - Contact the Houston Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division that enforces the Fire Code at Day: 832-394-6900 or Night: 713-884-3131.
SKY LANTERNS -It is illegal to light sky lanterns in a residential neighborhood in the City of Houston. Sky Lanterns have an open flame in them and open flames/open burning is illegal in the City of Houston.
SMOKE DETECTOR PROGRAM - Smoke Detectors are provided and installed by HFD personnel in residences of citizens who cannot afford one. Limited to private residence. Contact the HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6633 or go to https://houstontx.gov/fire/community_interaction/getalarmed.html.
SPACE HEATERS IN OFFICE BUILDINGS- For information on the use of space heaters in office buildings please click here for a letter from the Fire Marshal regarding this topic >>>
TIER 2 SUBMISSION - The State now requires all Tier 2 submittals sent to them to be in electronic format using the Tier2Submit software.
TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THE CLUB - You can contact the Houston Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division that enforces the Fire Code. Day: 832-394-6900 Night: 713-884-3131.
TOY DRIVE - Every year, starting around mid-November, the Houston Fire Department along with other Houston area non-profit organizations collect new, unwrapped toys at all HFD Fire Stations now through mid-December. HFD gives these toys to local non-profit organizations to distribute. For more information, please call the HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6636.
VACCINATIONS FOR CHILDREN - We are not offering this program at this time.
VOLUNTEER - The Houston Fire Department does not have a volunteer program for minors or citizens to fulfill court orders. Citizens interested in the Houston Volunteer Fire Department (Not Officially HFD) may see our contact list for details. For other volunteer opportunities and questions, please contact the HFD Public Affairs Office at 832.394.6633 or email hfdpubinf@houstontx.gov.