Youth Engagement

Youth Mental Health Guide

Children and young people continue to face challenges to their mental health including rising rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation. To address these issues, the Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement has developed a comprehensive guide. The City of Houston Youth Mental Health Guide is designed to empower youth to take care of their mental health and provide them with the tools to seek the support and resources they need. This guide is a significant step towards addressing the mental health needs of Houston’s young residents.

The City of Houston Youth Mental Health Guide aims to:

  • Describe the steps necessary to take care of one's mental health.
  • Equip youth with the language needed to seek mental health support.
  • Foster an understanding of stigma, screening tools, adult allies, and best practices for overcoming common challenges in accessing mental health care.

As the first child friendly city in the United States, the City of Houston remains committed to improving access to mental health education and encouraging youth to speak up and have open conversations about mental health. The guide was co-created and underwent rigorous review by community partners and mental health experts, including Mental Health America of Greater Houston, Texas Children’s Hospital, the Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD, and Houston OCD and Anxiety. Additionally, the City of Houston Youth Ambassadors provided insights into what topics should be covered, how the information should be conveyed, and ensured the guide is engaging and child-friendly.

The guide features artwork from the Center for School Behavioral Health's annual Youth Art showcase at Mental Health America of Greater Houston. The ultimate aim of the showcase is to encourage open conversations between young people and adults about mental health, while promoting art as a means of healthy coping and expression, and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. To learn more go to:

Have any feedback or comments about the COH Mental Health Guide? Let us know by filling out the following form! Your responses will help create better mental health guidance and support for children and teens. 

DISCLAIMER: This Mental Health Guide is a resource used to provide more awareness on mental health and is not intended as a way to diagnose or give medical advice. The Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of this guide.

Click the images below to view the Youth Mental Health Guides.


Youth Mental Health Guide - English


Youth Mental Health Guide - Spanish


Youth Mental Health Guide - Vietnamese