Strategic Procurement Division
Procurement Administrative Policies
- 5-1 -- Management of Vehicle Fuel Purchases -- 10.27.2011
- 5-2 -- Procurement Process -- 03.26.2010 (Rescinded)
- 5-3 -- Petty Cash -- 03.08.2013
- 5-4 -- Procurement Goals for Minority/Women Business Enterprises -- 04.01.1985
- 5-5 -- High Technology Procurement -- Rescinded 02.08.2011
- 5-5 -- Corporate/Government Fuel Cards -- Revised 12.14.2018
- 5-6 -- Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures -- Revised 10.09.2023
- P-Card Policy Exhibit 1 - Internal Cardholder (Employee) Agreement Form (.docx)
- 5-7 -- Procurement Standards -- Updated 08.08.2022
- 5-8 -- Informal Procurement -- Updated 11.06.2023
- 5-9 -- Competitive Sealed Bids -- Updated 08.08.2022
- 5-10 -- Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals -- (revised 07.10.2018)
- 5-11 -- Exceptions to Competitive Procurements -- Updated 12.12.2022
- 5-11 Attachments (.docx)
- Emergency Purchase Justification Form
- Sole Source Justification Form
- Request to Purchase from Cooperative / Interlocal Form
- Professional Services Justification
- Health and Safety Justification
- 5-12 -- Protests -- 03.04.2016
- 5-13 -- Performance Evaluations -- Updated 08.08.2022