What is 311?
311 is the City of Houston’s non-emergency department directory and self-service city request line.
In addition to the 311 web site and online service requests, agents are available 24/7 to answer your calls.
The 311 website allows the citizens of Houston to access information, request city services and report problems at anytime of the day or night.
For emergencies, always call 911!
For a complete list of City Departments and services, you can also reference the alphabetized City Directory here.
What Information Will I Need in Order to File an Online Service Request?
To file an Online Service Request, you must provide the address of the corresponding location of which the service need or problem is being reported. In most cases, you must also provide a valid email address for follow up purposes.
Neighborhood Protection Requests
Neighborhood Protection Requests and reports can be sensitive in nature. To protect the identity of N.P.C. customers the personal information field has been eliminated and you will not receive a service request confirmation number email.
To follow-up with N.P.C. service requests, please call 311 and provide the address of the issue You can also resubmit the 311 request, provide the details of the location, the type of issue previously reported, and your contact information.
Why Do I Need to Provide My Email Address?
In order to confirm your online submission, you will receive a system generated service request number for all service request types. This email will be sent to the email address you provide upon submission. The City of Houston uses your specified email address for follow up purposes relating to your request.
What if I Cannot Find the Service I am Looking For?
If you do not find the appropriate service request on our web site, either in the category selector or in the alphabetized department listing, please call 311 from any Houston based land or mobile telephone. Remember, some mobile phone users or persons outside the Houston area may need to dial the ten digit number (713.837.0311) in order to reach us. Live 311 telephone assistance is provided 24/7 to serve you.
Utility Maintenance Requests are critical in nature and should be reported directly to 311.
What if I Don’t Have Access to a Houston City Phone or Live Outside the City Limits?
If you are outside the Houston city limits or are unable to dial 311, you can reach 311 by dialing 713.837.0311.
For the police non-emergency line, please call 713.884.3131.
Can I Sign Up to Receive Periodic, Informational E-mails from the City of Houston?
YES! Please go to www.houstontx.gov and subscribe to CitizensNet today! (View the CitizensNet Archive now)
Please Note:
The Houston311.org website and information therein is designed to serve as a customer service reference and access tool. While your online service requests will be delivered to and processed by the appropriate City departments, the category groupings and subheadings do not reflect the corresponding City of Houston Departmental Structures or organizational charts.