POLICE Department
Family Violence Unit - Protective Orders

The Houston Police Department cares about you and your safety.
If you are in immediate danger dial 9-1-1. If you are in the city limits of Houston and are in need a non-emergency police response dial (713)-884-3131.
For additional information please contact the Family Violence Unit at (713)-308-1100.
In Texas, there are three types of order of protection based on family violence:
1. Temporary ex parte protective order;
2. Final protective order; and
3. Magistrate's order of emergency protection MOEP.
The first two are issued by the civil court upon your application in the county where you or the abuser lives or in any county where the abuse took place. The third MOEP is issued by a criminal court after the abuser is arrested.
For more information on the process of obtaining a protective order contact:
Harris County District Attorney's Office – Domestic Violence Division
Family Violence Services group is located at the Juvenile Justice Center
1200 Congress, 2nd Floor, Houston, Texas 77002
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 5:00pm
For more information call 713-274-0212 email DVDfilePO@dao.hctx.net
Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office – Protective Order Division
For more information call 281-341-4460 Option 1.
Montgomery County District Attorney's Office – Protective Order Division
For more information call 936-539-7828.
AVDA-Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse
Legal Aid-Protective orders, divorce, child support/custody at low or no cost; Battering Intervention Program and Counseling
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
For Harris County call 713-224-9911
1001 Texas Ave., Suite 600 Houston Texas 77002
For Fort Bend County call 281-207-2312
For Montgomery County call 713-224-9911
Houston Volunteer Lawyers
Family law legal assistance with divorce, child custody, and other family matters.
713-228-0735 (call for appointment)
24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotlines
Bay Area Turning Point Phone: 281-286-2525 Clear Lake; Webster & Harris County Website: www.bayareaturningpoint.org
The Bridge Phone:281-420-5600 Baytown 713-473-2801 Pasadena Website: www.thebridgeovertroubledwaters.org
Family Time Crisis and Counseling Center
Phone: 281-446-2615 Humble; Harris County
Website: www.familytimeccc.org
HAWC-Houston Area Women's Center
Phone: 713-528-2121 Houston; Harris County
Website: www.hawc.org
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 800-799-SAFE (7233) Houston; Harris County
Website: https://www.thehotline.org/