POLICE Department
Auto Theft Division
Auto Theft Investigations
In order to utilize the manpower assigned to the division in an effective manner, the investigative unit consists of several task specific details.
Special Investigations
Most often initial citizen contact will be with an investigator assigned to the Preliminary Investigative Unit. Officers assigned to this section are responsible for reviewing all auto theft related offense reports received in the division, conducting a preliminary interview with the complainant, and determining if enough solvability factors are present to forward the case to the Reactive Unit for additional investigation.
Incoming Case Investigations
Once an offense report is received, officers of the Reactive Squad conduct a thorough investigation into the offense. This investigation will usually result in the recovery of the vehicle and/or an appropriate criminal indictment presented to the District Attorney's Office for criminal prosecution.
Pro-active Investigative Unit
Officers assigned to the Pro-active Unit routinely conduct overt and covert operations directed towards the arrest and indictment of those persons engaged in the theft of motor vehicles.
Task Force
Members of this unit conduct long term investigations into organized theft rings in conjunction with officers from various police departments throughout the United States. They utilize various investigative techniques including Sting and Reverse Sting operations to target specific offenders as well as follow-up on information provided regarding active auto theft violators.
The Grant Squad is an A.T.P.A. funded unit that conducts investigations related to Accessory Shops, Salvage Dealers and vehicles or parts being exported through the Port of Houston.