We still offer Plan A for the 12 retirees enrolled. You do not need to do anything to
remain enrolled.


Contributions highlight reel

Woman Stretching

Health care, like sports, is a big-bucks world. Through carefully constructed contracts with BlueCross BlueShield of Texas and the MA plans, we hope to hold health-care expenditures to $293 million in FY10. But there’s no halftime break in keeping the plans affordable. Each 1 percent we don’t spend now – $2.9 million – means lower increases next year, keeping the plans affordable longer.

Each retiree in an MA plan for 12 months in 2009 will save the city about $3,400, for a total of $7.9 million. That translates into real money for you, because those same members can save more than $3.9 million in premiums collectively.

Your contribution for the Medicare Advantage plans is still just 25 percent of the premium. The city will contribute 75 percent of the cost. You have three choices that cost less than $62 per person per month – an excellent price for comprehensive health coverage. The contributions for May 2009 are listed below.

The Medicare Advantage plans offer distinct financial advantages. If you are a PPO member living outside Texas paying $507 per month, you should consider the more-affordable Aetna PFFS plan. If you are an HMO member, you have 3 affordable options for health coverage. Keep reading and learn how to calculate your savings.

  • The contribution strategy for retirees under age 65 in the HMO will change May 1. Plan utilization shows that between March 2005 and September 2008, medical claims costs for retirees under age 65 were on average 42 percent higher than active employees and retirees on Medicare. Over the next three years, retirees in the HMO under age 65 will pay an increased percentage, from 33 percent to 38 percent on May 1 and 48 percent by May 2011.
  • The HMO contributions have increase 8 to 9 percent.
  • The PPO contributions have increased 2 to 4 percent.
  • Aetna, TexanPlus, and Texas HealthSpring rates are the same.
  • Retiree-only with Medicare will pay the following
    monthly rates:
    • $166.18 for the HMO
    • $506.60 for the PPO
    • $61.00 for Aetna
    • $9.76 for TexanPlus
    • $18.00 for Texas HealthSpring


Contribution Chart
Use the chart below to find the contribution for the coverage you elect. First, look for the category in the left-hand column that fits your situation, then select the corresponding rate for the plans of your choice. If you have family members who remain in the HMO or PPO, select the rate based on the age of the oldest family member keeping the HMO or PPO plan. Your total monthly contribution is the sum of the rate for HMO or PPO, plus the rate for Aetna, TexanPlus or Texas HealthSpring.

Contribution chart for May 2009

Family Coverage Category

Monthly Retiree Contributions







Retiree Only (Has Medicare)






1 Retiree elects an MA plan




Retiree + One (Both have Medicare)






2 Both elect the same MA plan




3 Each elects a seperate plan






Retiree + One (Only one has Medicare)






4 One elects an MA plan / one keeps city plan (less than 65)






5 One elects an MA plan / one keeps city plan (age 65+)






Retiree + Family (Two have Medicare)






6 Two elect the same MA plan / one keeps city plan (less than 65)






7 Two elect the same MA plan / two keep city plan (both are less than 65)






8 Two elect the same MA plan / two+ keep city plan (all are less than 65)






9 One elects an MA plan / two keep city plan (1 is 65+, 1 is less than 65)






10 One elects an MA plan / two+ keep city plan (1 is 65+, 2 are less than 65)






Retiree + Family (Two with Medicare + one 65+ w/o Medicare)






11 Two elect the same MA plan / one keeps city plan (age 65+)






12 Two elect the same MA plan / two keep city plan (1 is 65+, 1 is less than 65)






Retiree + Family (Three w/ Medicare)






13 Three elect an MA plan




14 Three elect the same MA plan / one keeps city plan (1 is less than 65)






15 Three elect the same MA plan / two keep city plan (both are less than 65)






16 Three elect the same MA plan / two+ keep city plan (all are less than 65)






17 Two elect the same MA plan / one keeps city plan (age 65+)






18 Two elect the same MA plan / two keep city plan (1 is 65+, 1 is less than 65)






19 Two elect the same MA plan / two + keep city plan (1 is 65+, 2 are less than 65)






20 One elects an MA plan / two keep city plan (2 are 65+)






21 One elects an MA plan / two+ keep city plan (2 are 65+, 1 is less than 65)






Retiree + Family (Only one has Medicare)






22 One elects an MA plan / two keep city plan (both are less than 65)






23 One elects an MA plan / two+ keep city plan (all are less than 65)






24 One elects an MA plan / two keep city plan (1 is 65+, 1 is less than 65)






25 One elects an MA plan / two+ keep city plan (1 is 65+, 2 are less than 65)






* Rates displayed for the HMO and PPO are for participants who do not use tobacco products. If the participant or a family member uses tobacco products, the rate is $25 higher per month. This additional amount does not apply to TexanPlus, Texas HealthSpring, or Aetna PFFS.


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