OIS INC #50878623

A uniformed Houston Police Officer with the Crime Reduction Unit spotted a stolen vehicle parked in the parking lot of 12375 Martin Luther King Blvd. The officer pulled in closely behind the stolen vehicle in a marked police vehicle and activated the emergency lights. The officer approached the driver's door, discovered a male suspect sitting in the driver's seat, and attempted to detain the suspect. The suspect refused to obey the officer's commands, placed the stolen vehicle in reverse, and then rammed the police vehicle. The suspect then came at the officer on foot and they both went to the ground, where a physical confrontation ensued. A female acquaintance of the suspect interfered with the officer's attempts to arrest the suspect by hovering over top of the officer and grabbing on to the back of his shirt. The female ended up with the officer's taser and one of the officer's magazines that had been stripped away by the male suspect. The female refused to comply with repeated commands by the officer to give them back. During the struggle, the male suspect was able to strip away the officer's radio and the battery was removed, which prevented the officer from communicating with backup. The male suspect gained a position on top of the officer and continued to fight rather than run away. The officer was in immediate fear for their life and discharged their duty weapon one time, striking the suspect. The suspect was transported to the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.