POLICE Department

Officers in Action

Officer P. Guerrero

Officer P. Guerrero assigned to the Homicide Division, was off-duty and stopped to pick up lunch. As Officer Guerrero waited in line to place his order, he heard someone yell and he was pushed to the side by customers fleeing from the front of the store.

Officer Guerrero saw a man pointing a gun at the cashier and heard him demanding money. Officer Guerrero took cover behind a display while un-holstering his off-duty gun and removed his badge and police identification out of his pocket.

Officer Guerrero attempted to confront the suspect, but the suspect ran out of the store with the money he had just stolen in hand. Officer Guerrero ran after the suspect. The suspect looked back over his shoulder and noticed Officer Guerrero.

Officer Guerrero pointed his gun at the suspect and identified himself as a police officer. He ordered the suspect to stop and put his hands up. The suspect complied with the officer’s commands and Officer Guerrero was able to secure the arrest without further incident.

No innocent lives were lost and no one was injured during the robbery thanks to the quick actions of Officer Guerrero. The suspect was charged with Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon.

Even while off-duty, this arrest is an excellent example of dedication and valor leading to a successful conclusion without incident. Because of the effort and bravery of this officer, the city of Houston is a better and safer place to live and work. His professionalism, keen instincts and innate skills enabled him to capture the suspect and stopped this suspect from injuring or possibly killing an innocent victim. We are proud to recognize the contributions of Officer Guerrero.