September 24, 2014 - The Houston Police Department reminds all citizens that we are less than three weeks away from our 31st Annual National Night Out on Tuesday, October 7.
This is a very important event for the community because it is an opportunity to strengthen police-community relationships. There is still time to get with your area coordinator and finalize plans for your event. If you have not done so, please contact your neighborhood representative or community services officers at the nearest patrol station.
Photos of last year's National Night Out events are attached to this news release. More photos of National Night Out activities can be viewed at
Police Chief Charles A. McClelland, Jr. said, "This is a proven strategy and philosophy. I have always stressed police and community partnerships are very important. The citizens are our eyes and ears. Without them, our jobs become much more difficult." Chief McClelland added, "National Night Out should be every night of the week, not just once a year. Make it a point to get to know your neighbors and be vigilant for any suspicious activity."
The introduction of National Night Out, “America’s Night Out Against Crime,” in 1984 began an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie, and to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Civic leaders and citizens interested in seeking more information on National Night Out can visit the HPD website at and click on the National Night Out logo. Our National Night Out 2014 video is available for viewing on the HPD YouTube Channel at

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.